Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/721

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APPENDIX. 645 Mays (Arthur), B. A., Hiem. 1867. M'Causland (Edward), E. A., ^st. 1868. M'Causland (Ernest John), B. A., Stem. 1867. M'Causland (William Cornelius), M. A., Vern. 1867 (p. 385, 1. 1). 5 M'Cay (Henry), LL. D., niem. 1867 (p. 385, 1. 4). M'Cay (William Smith), Sch., 1866.— B. A., mem. 1867. M'Clelland (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1867. M'Corkell (David Browne), B. A., and LL. B., Hiem. 1868. M'Cullough (James), B. A., Hiem. 1867. 10 M'Dermott (Hugh Francis A.), B. A., Hiem. 1866. McDonald (William Archibald), Sch., 1865.— B. A., Vern. 1867. M'Donnell (William Dobbs), B. A., Hiem. 1867. M'Dowell (Benjamin Francis), B. A., and M. B., Vern. 1867. M'Dowell (Charles William), B. A., Vern., M. B., ^st. 1867. 15 MTarlane (Lenox), B. A., Hiem. 1866. M'Eetridge (Charles), B. A., Hiem. 1867. M'Ghee (Thomas), B. A., Hiem. 1868. M'llwaine (William), B. D., and D. D., Vern. 1868 (p. 390, 1. 13), M'Kee (James), M. A., B. D., and D, D., Hiem. 1868 (p. 390, 1. 30). 20 M'Laughlin (Randolph Humphrey), B. A., Hiem. i866. M'Loughlin (John Scott), B. A., Hiem. 1867. M'Morran (Eobert), M. B., and M. D., Vern. 1868 (p. 392, 1. in). M'Nalty (Francis Charles), B. A., Hiem. 1867. M'Neile (Norman Frederick), B. A., Hiem. 1868. 25 Meade (Gerald de Courcy), B. A., Hiem. 1867. Meadows (Arthur), B. A., Hiem. 1867. Meares (Frederick Leopold), B. A., Hiem. 1868. Mease (Andrew Leslie), B. A., Hiem. 1868. Meighan (James), M. A,, Vern. 1868 (p. 396, 1. 10).' 30 Meredith (James Creed), LL. D., Hiem. 1868 (p. 396, 1. 24). Metge (Peter Ponsonby), B. A., ^st. 1823.— M. A., Nov. 1832. Meyer (James G.), N. F. Sch., 1865.— B. A., Vern. 1868. Miles (Usher Beere), M. A., Hiem. 1866 (p. 398, 1. 4). Mills (John), B. A., Hiem. 1866. 35 Mills (Townsend), M. A., Hiem. 1^6'] (p. 400, 1. 10). Minchin (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1867. Minchin (George 'John), B. A., Hiem. iS6j. Minnitt (Joshua Robert), B. A., Hiem. 1866.— M. B., ^st. 1868.