Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/584

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508 A CATALOGUE OF THE GRADUATES Scott (Eobert Henry), Sch., 1853.— B. A., Fern. 1856. — M. A., ^sf. 1859. Scott (Robert William Anderson), B. A., Vern. 1856. Scott (Samuel), B. A., ^s;^. 1861. Scott (Thomas), B. A., Fern. 1763. 5 Scott (Thomas), B. A., ^d. 1787. Scott (Thomas), B. A., Fern. 1827.— M. A., iVoy. 1832. Scott (Thomas), B. A., Fern. J842. Scott (Thomas Lucas), B. A., Fern. 1857. — -»!• ^-j Fern. 1862. Scott (Trevor), B. A., Fern. 1768. — M. A., Fern. 1771. 10 Scott (Walter Henry), B. A., Miem. 1864. Scott (William), B. A., Fern. 1727. Scott (William), B. A., Fern. 1799. Scott (AYilliam), B. A., ^st. 1801. Scott (William), B. A., ^d. 1807 M. A., JVov. 1832. 15 Scott (William), B. A., Fern. 1809.— M. A., Mv. 1832. Scott (William, B. A., Vern. 1832. Scott (William), B. A., ^st. 1850. Scott (William), B. A., Vern. 1857. Scott (William Armstrong), B. A., ^st. 1844..— M. A., ^st. 1856. 20 Scott (William Eichard), B. A., Fern. 1 848. Scovell (Whitmore), B. A., ^st. 1846. Scragge (Matthew), Sch., 1803.— B. A., .^st. 1805. Scriven (John Barclay), B. A., Vern. 1837. Scriven (John Enraght), B. A., Fern. 1845. 25 Scriven (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1842. Scriven (William Barclay Browne), B.A., Fern. 1840. — M. B., Fern. 1842. Scroggs (Benedict), Sch., 1675. — B. A., Fern. 1677. — M. A., ^st. 1680.— Fellow, 1682.— B.D., Fern. i68j.—J).T).,^st. 1692. Scroggs (Charles), Sch., t68i. — B. A., Fern. 1682.— M. A., JEst. 1685. Scully (John), B. A., Vern. 1830. 30 Scale (Isaac), B. A., Fern. 1848. Sealy (Armiger), B. A., Fern. 1786. Sealy (Baldwin), B. A., ^st. 1827. Sealy (George), B. A., Vern. 1778.— M. A., Vern. 1783.— LL.B., andLL. D., Fern. 1791. Sealy (George), B. A., Feni. 1820.