Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/549

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IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN. 473 Purser (Samuel Powell), B. A., Fern. 1848.— M. A., Fern. 185 i. Purser (TTilliam Allen), B. A., Vem. 1842.— M. A., ^sif. 1847. Putland (Charles), B. A., ^st. 1804. Putland (John), B. A., Fern. 1731. — M. A., uEst. 1734. 5 Putland (John), (Entrance not recorded) — B. D., ^st. 1734. Putland (George), B. A., JEst. 1767. Putland (George), B. A., ^st. 1803.— M. A., Nov. 1832. Putland (Thomas), B. A., ^st. 1733. Puttock (Eoger), B. A., ^st. 1619.— M. A., ^st. 1622. 10 Puxly (John), B. A., ^st. 1791. Pyne (Alexander), B. A., Fern. 1840.— M. A., ^H. 1863. Pyne (Cornelius), Sch.,1711. — B.A., Fern. 1712. — M.A.,-^5^. 1715. Pyne (Robert), B. A., ^st. 1789. Pyne (William), B. A., u3^st. 1822.— M. A., Nov. 1832. Q. 15 QuAiLE (Crom-well), B. A., Fern. 1776. Quaile (Francis), Sch., 1672. — B. A., Feni. 1673. — M. A., ^st. 1676 D. D., ^st. 1693. Quaile (Vere Essex), Sch., 1770 — B. A., Fern. 1772. — M.A., Fern. 1776.— B. D., and D. D., ^sL 181 1. Quain (William), B. A., Fern. i826._M. A., ^st. 1833. Quaine (Jones), Sch., 1814. — B. A., JEsL i8i6. — M.B., Vem. 1820.— M.D., uEst. 1833. 20 Quarry (John), B. A., Fern. 1797. — LL. D., ^d. 1818. Quarry (John), B. A., ^st. 1831. — M. A., Fern. 1839. Quaytrod (Nicholas), Sch., 1708 ^'B. A., F. 1709. — iI.A.,^.171 2. Quead (Maurice), B. A., Vem. 1741. Queade (Hayes), Sch., 1777. — B. A., Fern. 1779. 25 Queade (William), B. A., ^sf. 1798. Questeburne (Benjamin), B. A., Fern. 1739. Questeburne (John), B. A., Fern. 1702. Quigg (Hugh), B. A., Fern. 17 15. Quigley (Cornelius), B. A., Vem. 1822. 30 Quigley (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 18 12. Quilton (Edward Tankerville), B. A., Siem. 1862. Quin (Charles William), B. A., Fern. 1777. Quin (Cornwallis D.), B. A., ^st. 1822. Quin, orQuinn (Daniel), Sch., 1701.— B.A., Vem. 1702.