Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/43

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INTRODUCTION. XXXvii each of three selected passages of the New and Old Testament : two responsions and two opponencies in Theology, and two ser- mons, one ad clerum in Latin, and one ad popidum (cap. ix.). For the Doctorate in Theology, in addition to the foregoing exercises, the Candidate is to deliver three preelections on the errors of the Roman Catholic religion ; he is to act as Mode- rator twice, in a disputation on Theological questions, a Bachelor in Divinity being disputant, or if such cannot be had, those stu- dents whom he may be able to engage. A Bachelor in Theology to be M.A. of seven years' standing; a Doctor in Theology to be five years a Bachelor in that Faculty. The Candidate for the Degree of Doctor in Laws, cap. xii., must be Master in Arts of seven years' standing, and have spent that time in the Study of Law ; he must read six prgelections in Law " in schola, Jure-consultorum ; " he must respond three times, and oppose three times, " si copia detur eorum quibus in disputationis arenam descendat."* The Doctor in Medicine must be of the same standing as a Doctor in Law ; that is, he must be seven years a diligent stu- dent in Medicine, after having taken the degree of Master in Arts. He must read six Lectures in the Medical School. He must be present at the dissection of three " Anatomies," or human subjects. He must complete the cure of four different diseases: and must make himself well acquainted with the simple and compound medicines of the Pharmacopoeia, by constantly fre- quenting the Laboratories. He must respond thrice, and oppose twice in his Faculty : and if a difficulty should occur from any cause, the Caput is to decide, as in the case of Doctors in Laws (cap. 13). This summary of the standing and exercises required for the several Degrees, will show, that from the earliest times, the es-

  • This is in allusion to the small there is no opportunity of holding a

number of Students in Law then in disputation, " propter defectum aut the University : for the Statutes say, paucitatem eorum, qui legibus dant " Graduum vero in Juris et Medicinje operam," the Caput shall determine Studiosos collatio est adhuc apud nos what is to be done, paulo rarior." It is added that if