Page:A Brief History of the Indian Peoples.djvu/250

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2 4 6 INDEX. French, wars of the, with the English in Southern India, i77-i79> 183; their influence in India (1798- 1800), 194; overthrown by Lord Wellesley, 196, 197. Gaekwars of Baroda, Maratha dy- nasty, 161, 162; recognized as independent of the Peshwa (1817), 203 ; deposition of a Gaekwar (1875), 232. Gama Vasco da, 6rst Portuguese to reach India (1498), 164; second visit (1502), and death at Cochin (1524), 165. Gandamak, treaty of (1879), 233. Ganges river, 22, 23 ; its sanctity, 23. Gaur, capital of Muhammadan king- dom of Bengal, 130. Gautama Buddha, life and doctrines of, 74-77. Geography of India, I7 _ 3 T - See Table of Contents, chap. i. Ghakkars, the, attack camp of the Afghans (1008), 114; devastate the Punjab (1203), 118. Ghats, Eastern and Western, 28. Ghazni, the dynasty of, 113; con- quered by the Ghor chiefs, 116; taken by the English (1839), 210. Gheria, battle of (17651, 184. Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlak, founder of the Tughlak dynasty (1320-25), 124. Ghor, dynasty of (1152-86), 116- 119. Ghulam Muhammad, Prince, last descendant of Tipu, 196. Gingi, taken by Aurangzeb (1698), 145; byCoote (1761), 179. Goa taken by Albuquerque (1510), 165. Godavari river, 29. Goddard, Col., his march across India, 191. Gods of the Veda, 56. Golconda, Muhammadan kingdom, 129 ; annexed by Aurangzeb (1688), 147. Gonds, principal aboriginal tribe in the Central Provinces, 44. Gough, Gen. Lord, defeats the Sikhs (1845), 214; (1849), 215. Governors, Governors- General, and Viceroys of India (1758-1892), table of, 176, 177. Govind Singh, last of the Sikh^ww (1708), 213. Grammar, Brahman, 63. Greeks, the, in India, 85-89. See Table of Contents, chap. vi. Growth of Hinduism, 94-108. See Table of Contents, chap. viii. Gujarat invaded by Mahmud of Ghazni (1024), 114; conquered by Ala-ud-din Khilji (1297), 122 ; independent Muhammadan king- dom of, 1 30 ; conquered by Akbar (1573), 136; by the Gaekwar ot Baroda, 161 ; by Col. Goddard, 191 ; restored to the Marathas (1782), 191 ; harried by the Gaek- war, 197. Gujranwala depopulated by Afghan invasions, 152. Gujrat, battle of (1849), 215. Gupta dynasty in Oudh and North- ern India, 92. Gurkhas, war with, in Nepal (1814- 15), 201, 202. Gwalari pass, 79. Gwalior attacked by Mahmud of Ghazni, 114; becomes Sindhia's capital, 160 ; taken by Popham, 191 ; restored to Sindhia (1886), 236. Haidarabad (Deccan). See Nizam. Haidarabad (Sind) founded by Alex- ander the Great, 87. Haidar All, his war with the English (1780-84), defeat of the English and ravages, 191. Hal a mountains, the most southerly offshoot of the Himalayas, 19. Hardinge, Lord, Governor-General (1844-48), 212-214 ; the fi rst Sikh war, 214. Harris, Gen. Lord, took Seringa- patam (1799), 196. Hastings, Marquess of, Governor- General (1814-23), 201-204; the Nepal war, 201, 202 ; the Pindari war, 202-203 ; the last Maratha war, 203. Hastings, Warren, Governor-General (1774-85), 187-192 ; tries to com- promise with Mir Kasim (1768), 184 ; his appointment as Governor