Page:800 proved pecan recipes- their place in the menu (IA 0519PECA).pdf/66

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6, Rising of dough. Put dough, after kneading, in a greased bow] three times its size. Cover with buttered paper and folded towels, set to rise in a warm place free from drafts. The back of the stove, on or beside a radiator, or placing the bow] in a larger bowl of warm water, should insure suf- ficient warmth for rising.

%, Shaping loaves. Knead and shape into desired size by folding sides under to make the top perfectly smooth. Put in greased pan, cover and let rise until double in bulk.

8. Baking. The average pound or pound and a half loaf requires 50 to 60 minutes in a moderate oven.

9. After baking, remove from tins and cool on rack, uncovered, if you wish a crisp crust. When eooled, store in closely covered tin or stone receptacle,