Page:800 proved pecan recipes- their place in the menu (IA 0519PECA).pdf/50

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but a highly concentrated and nutritious staple food.

In nutritive value the pecan far exceeds all other food substances. For example, the food value per pound is 3,683 calories, while the aver- age of the same quantity of cereal is 1,654 calories, half the value of the pecan. The average food value of the best vegetables is 300 calories per pound, and of the best fresh fruits 278 calories per pound, or one-fourth that of pecans,

Keystone Pecans are more than a table deli- cacy. They are a nutritious and wholesome food for everyday use. They are rich in the elements that build strength and vigor. For health-giving nutrition and delicious taste, there is no food to equal the golden-brown, sun-mellowed kernels of the pecan, full of those vitalizing qualities that create that feeling of new energy that comes from better balanced, more efficient food. They give you a new glow of health from head to foot. They add to your store of vitality and give you real nutriment that makes fresh “life cells.” Pecan meat is a blood and tissue builder in wonderfully concentrated form. It gives you the benefit of high food value, with little digestive effort and no poisonous waste.

The foremost dietitians and food experts of today agree that of foods which supply the ideal health diet, pecans rank very high.