Page:800 proved pecan recipes- their place in the menu (IA 0519PECA).pdf/43

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strates its deficiency, it has been customary to administer certain medical forms of lime, such as calcium lactate, or to place the patient upon a diet of skim milk and other dairy products and selected greens and cereals high in the lime content, or, as is the most advanced practice, to increase greatly the nut diet.

Obviously lime is essential to growing children, who are building their bony structure, and it is well that Nature has placed in the pecan, which appeals so strongly to children, a lime content which is practically fifty times as great as its iron content, important as its iron content is. Milk is advocated as a food for growing children because of its lime content, yet the pecan presses it closely in this respect; while the pecan contains as much lime as does cream, which is so generally fed to children. The pecan contains more lime than celery, eggs, oatmeal, lima beans, dates, raisins, dried apricots or spinach. It contains almost twice as much lime as cabbage, more than twice as much as lettuce, more than three times as much as graham bread, crange juice and green peas, almost four times as much as rye bread and lemon juice, more than four times as much as whole wheat bread, grape fruit and macaroni, almost five times as much as cornmeal, almost six times as much as butter and peaches, more than six times as much as potatoes. It is obvious, there- fore, that. there is no reason why anyone should suffer from a deficiency in lime in the diet if one eats pecans along with properly selected fruits and vegetables—especially green vegetables.