Page:800 proved pecan recipes- their place in the menu (IA 0519PECA).pdf/375

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Pecan Sandwiches and Relishes

2% C. sugar 1 T. cinnamon ieaye 4% C. boiling water 4 apples % ©. chopped pecans

Boil sugar, water, and cinnamon drops together in a saucepan. Cover and peel apples and place in boiling syrup, turning them over several times as they cook, to be properly colored. When done, remove from syrup and fill cavities with pecans. Serve as a relish or as a breakfast dish with cream.

Mrs. Wm. J. Stephens.

1 cake of cream cheese 42 greeu pepper 17. catsup % C. grated pecans % +t. grated onion 1 t. salt ‘ % t. paprika

Mash cheese, add catsup, onion, chopped pepper, pecans, and seasoning. Form into balls, chill, and serve.

Mrs. Caroline W. Trotter.

1 C. pimento cheese % GC, chopped pecans Combine cheese and pecans and mold into small squares. Place a peean half on each of the 4 sides. Place in refrigerator until firm.

Mrs. A. H. Suesens.

10 ripe tomatoes 1 lemon 2 Ib. sugar 2 C. chopped pecans

Peel tomatoes, cut in slices, add sugar and sliced lemon, and cook, When it begins to thicken, add pecans and cook slowly until done.

Mrs. John Votery.