Page:800 proved pecan recipes- their place in the menu (IA 0519PECA).pdf/353

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Pecan Salads

3 C. watermelon cubes 4 T. chopped pecans Watermelon Powdered sugar 4%. raisins Cecktail Lemon juice Mint leaves

Cut balls from a melon with a potato cutter or cut in neat cubes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and a little lemon juice. Add pecans and raisins. Chill, serve in cocktail glasses, and garnish with a sprig of mint.

Mrs. Wm. H. Martin.

1 shredded head of lettuce % Ib. marshmallows Watermelon 40 strips of waternielon % C. chopped pecans Log Cabin % ean crushed pineapple 1 C. whipped cream Salad % GC, peean halves

Cut watermelon strips 314 inches long and 3% inches wide each way to form a bar. Drain pine- apple. Cut marshmallows in 14 inch cubes. Chill eream and whip till stiff. Form lettuce as grass on the salad plates. Use 10 strips of watermelon for each salad. Form a leg cabin on the lettuce with watermelon strips. Mix pineapple, marshmallows, and chopped pecans, and fill cen- ters of cabins with mixture. Lightly pile whipped cream on top to form the reof. Put pecan halves in rows on roof.

Mrs. J. L. Diven.

1 C. mayonnaise % GC. grated toasted pecans Mayonnaise Toast and grate pecans and add to mayonnaise.

Iven L. Madison.