Page:800 proved pecan recipes- their place in the menu (IA 0519PECA).pdf/296

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Did you ever taste pecan sweet potato custard?

Are you like the man from the middle states who said that he would turn vegetarian if it weren’t that he would have to do without mince pie, “because every one knows that nothing like mince pie can be made without meat and suet.” Marvel of marvels, it is possible to make a pie that would woo even the strongest advocate of mince pie away from his first love, a pie that contains no suet, no meat, that requires no whisky nor other alcoho! to aid digestion and give it zest; yet which is made from Nature’s selected fruit plus Nature’s finest meat, the meats of the paper shell pecan.

Try this pecan raisin pie, and the other pecan pies and pastries in this chapter, and notice how easy it is to get hubby home in time for dinner. For, despite the talk about pies and pastries being difficult to digest, they are for some reason the average American man’s best answer to the ques- tion, “What shall we have for dessert?”

A Few General Reminders

Pastry flour[1] and best quality butter, or equal quantities of butter and a vegetable fat, make best pastry. Combine by cutting fat with two knives into sifted flour, to which salt has been added, until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Add cold water slowly until the mass adheres

  1. See note on page 258