Page:800 proved pecan recipes- their place in the menu (IA 0519PECA).pdf/257

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Pecan Entrees

1 medium sized cauliflower 1 ©. milk Cauliflower in 2 T. butter 1 t. salt Ramekins 2 'T. four %% C. chopped pecans 2 T. chopped pimento

Soak cauliflower, head down, in salted water. Tie in cheesecloth, cook in boiling salted water, separate into flowerettes. Put in buttered rame- kins, and add white sauce to which pecans and pimento have been added, and bake.

Mrs. H. L. Van Hossier.

1 CG. finely chopped celery 2 T. butter Celery and % C. finely chopped pecans 2 T. grated onion Tomato 1% G. bread crumbs 1 T. salt Entree 1 F. grated cheese . 1% C, strained tomatees eggs

Add celery, pecans, bread crumbs, cheese, but- ter, onion, and salt to strained tomatoes. Mix well and add well beaten egos. Bake in a buttered baking dish 36 to 40 minutes. Serve with a cream parsley sauce.

Eva Lind.

1 C. bread crumbs ¥% +t. poultry seasoning Celery in 1 C. chopped celery 2 TF. butter Potato Border 1 C. grated pecans 1 milk , % t. onion juice % +. kitchen bouquet

Chop celery, add bread crumbs, pecans, and seasoning. Add milk and melted butter. Mix thoroughly and bake in buttered pan. Turn out on platter and surround with a border of potato rosettes, made with a pastry tube, A cream parsley sauce may be served with this.

Mrs. Wm. Kramp.