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Food Values

Food functions in the body in three ways—to provide material for the growth and repair of the body structure; to furnish material for the production of energy and maintenance of body heat; to regulate the activities of the body.

PROTEIN is essential to the growth and repair of the body tissues. Protein is found in varying amounts in almost all foods, but particularly in nuts, milk, meat, eggs, cheese, legumes, and cereals.

CARBOHYDRATES in the form of starches and sugars are the most common sources of energy. Starches are found in cereals, potatoes, and some other vegetables; sugars in fruits, the sugar cane and beet root, and the sap of the maple tree.

FATS function in the body as energy and heat producers, and are found in nuts, milk, butter, egg yolks, animal fat tissues, seeds of plants, ripe olives, etc.

SALTS, OR MINERALS, are necessary for maintaining normal body functions and in the formation of the bones and tissues of the body. The principal salts are calcium, iron, potassium, sulphur, sodium, chlorine and phosphorus. Salts are found in fruits, vegetables, milk, cereals, and some nuts. Alkaline salts predominate in fruits and vegetables and are especially valuable in neutralizing the acidity of the body.

VITAMINS function in a mysterious way as body regulators. They are supplied in nuts, vegetables, milk and cereals. Cellulose and water are also essential body regulators, cellulose is found in vegetables, fruits, and cereals.