Page:800 proved pecan recipes- their place in the menu (IA 0519PECA).pdf/179

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Pecan Candies

2 T. gelatine 1 C. sugar Apricot % CG. cold water Me C. water Gum Drops Grated rind and juice 1 C. dried apricots of 1 orange 1 GC. chopped pecans Juice of 1 lemon Powdered sugar

Dissolve gelatine in cold water. Add grated rind and juice of orange, juice of Jemon, sugar and water, and boil 10 minutes, stirring con- stantly. Add chopped apricots and boil 10 min- utes more. Add pecans, pour in buttered pans, cut in squares, and roll in powdered sugar.

Mrs. W. H. Smith.

136 C. sugar ite T. butter Butierscotch 4 e on syrup Fr - aie Marshmallows . water » t. vanilla 1 T. molasses 3 boxes marshmallows

Pecan halves

Mix sugar, corn syrup and water and stir until dissolved. Boil until brittle when tried in cold water. Add molasses and butter. Cook until it evacks in cold water, stirring to prevent burning. Remove from fire, add salt and vanilla. Dip ynarshmallows into mixture and press a pecan half on each one.

Mrs. V. H. Marshall, Jr.

1 ©. brown sugar 1 6. white syrup Chocolate 3 T. cocoa 2 T. butter Caramels 16. milk 1%. vanilla

1 C. chopped pecans Mix sugar and cocoa, dissolve in milk, add syrup and cook to hard ball stage. Remove from fire, add butter, vanilla, and pecans. Pour in buttered tin to depth of one inch and cut into cubes.

Blanche Norman.