Page:800 proved pecan recipes- their place in the menu (IA 0519PECA).pdf/159

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Pecan Cakes

1 C. sugar 2 t. baking powder Citron Cakes 1 G, butter 1 C. pecans

3 eggs % Ib. citron peel

2 C, flour 1 t. vanilla

Cream sugar and butter. Add well beaten eggs, mixed and sifted dry ingredients, chopped pecans, citron, and vanilla. Drop from a teaspoon on a buttered baking sheet and bake,

Mrs. A. H. Reton.

2. sugar 1 C. chopped pecans Citron

% C. boiling water % C. citron Meringues 2 ege whites 1% vanilla

Dissolve sugar in water. Boil without stirring until syrup will drop from a spoon in a thread. Pour slowly on to stiffly beaten egg whites and continue beating until thick and creamy. Add nuts, chopped citron, and vanilla. Drop from a teaspoon on a buttered tin and brown lightly in a moderate oven.

8 eres ; ¥% T. cinnamon Citron Peel 1% C. confectioner’s sugar % Ib. citron Cakes 2 C. flour 1 C. chopped pecans

Beat eggs, add sugar, flour sifted with cinna- mon, finely cut citron, and pecans. Drop from a teaspoon on a buttered baking sheet and bake.

Mrs. E. J. Hodges.

% C. marshmallows % t. candied orange peel Fruit Top

% C. chopped pecans y% ©, white grapes Saltines 4% ©. maraschino cherries Saltines

Whipped cream Combine cut marshmallows, pecans, chopped maraschino cherries, shredded orange peel, and sliced white grapes. Pile by spoonfuls on saltines and top with a teaspoon of whipped cream.

Adelma S. Knowlen.