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The Publican Locuts they mak up their trash,
(For it wastes the body as weel as the Cash,)
Sae truly says Johnie, an' weel Johnie kens
That it is ruination to enter their dens,
Yes dens I will ca' them, an' no the best kind,
Gang in an' get tipsy, an' that ye will find,
For some try to plunder whae'er they get in,
Be't Dandy or Drover they'll fleece to the skin.
Avoid them, my friends, an' drink Coffee or Tea,
Sin' Johnie, &c.

Baith me an' my bairns were a' fleein' in rags,
While sailin in silks are the Public-House hags,
An' at our expense, I will tell'd to their face,
But Temp'rance Societies will alter the case.
The Temp'rance Society I'm happy to tell
Is making' my neebours as happy's mysel'
There's Girzy's Guideman he has got a new coat
Sin' he lost the road to the Sign i' Steam Boat.
The strongest he drinks now, &c.
An' Girzy, pnir body's as happy as me.

Now some say to temper themsells the will try,
But somehow or ither they aften get dry,
At times they may splice just for ae single gill,
But then' tis a pity guid Company to spill,