Page:4SIGHT manual- a computer program for modelling degradation of underground low level waste concrete vaults (IA 4sightmanualcomp5612snyd).pdf/79

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       | INTRN anion EQUALS expr  { anion[$2] .c[l] = $4;}        
       | TIME EQUALS expr         { termination.type = TIME.LIMIT;
                                   if (MaxDay is_def ault==TRUE)
                                    MaxDay. value = $3;
                                    MaxDay. value = MIN (MaxDay .value ,$3)
                                    MaxDay is_default = FALSE;}
       | DEPTH EQUALS expr        { termination_type = STRUCT_LIMIT;}
                                    MaxDepth = $3;}
       | REBAR EQUALS expr        { rebar_depth=$3
                                    termination_type = STRUCT_LIMIT;
       | OUTPUT cation anion      { sol_array [$2] [$3].output_flag=TRUE;}
       | OUTPUT cation            { cation [$2].output_flag = TRUE;}
       | OUTPUT anion             { anion [$2].output_flag = TRUE;}
       | HEAD EQUALS expr         { head. value = $3;
                                    head is_def ault = FALSE;}
       | CRACK EQUALS expr AT expr DEPTH expr
                                      { crack.width. value = $3;
                                        crack.width. is_default = FALSE;
                                        crack_spacing = $5;
                                        crack_depth = $7;}
        | JOINT EQUALS expr AT expr UNTIL expr
                       { joint.width = $3;
                         joint_spacing = $5;
                         joint_lifetime = $7*365;
                         if (MaxDay is_default == TRUE)
                           MaxDay.value = joint_lifetime;
                          MaxDay is_default = FALSE;
                          joint_is_specif ied = TRUE;}
        | JOINT PERM EQUALS expr { joint.permeability = $4;}

cation:   HYDROGEN            { $$ = H;}
        | CALCIUM             { $$ = Ca;}
        | SODIUM              { $$ = Na;}
        | POTASSIUM           { $$ = K;}
