Page:4SIGHT manual- a computer program for modelling degradation of underground low level waste concrete vaults (IA 4sightmanualcomp5612snyd).pdf/77

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terminate:        KILL      {printf ("Received KILL.\n");}
recvr:    error             {syntax.error ("Syntax error");}
        | recvr error 
        | recvr EQUALS expr {syntax_error ("Unknown Command");}
expr      INT32             {$$ = (real) $1;}
        | REAL              {$$ = $1;}
assign:   DIFF EQUALS expr       { Dinfty. value = $3;
                                   Dinfty is.default = FALSE;}
        | PERM EQUALS expr       { kinfty.value = $3;
                                   kinfty is_default = FALSE;}
        | WC EQUALS expr         { wc. value = $3;
                                   wc is.def ault = FALSE;}
        | THICKNESS EQUALS expr  { thickness .value = $3;
                                   thickness is_default = FALSE;    
                                   sample.length = thickness value;}
        | NEUAX EQUALS expr      { neutral_axis_depth value = $3;
                                   neutral_axis_depth is_default=FALSE;}                                   
        | YOUNGS EQUALS expr     { Youngs. value = $3*1.0E+09; 
                                   Youngs is_default = FALSE;}
        | BETA EQUALS expr       { beta. value = $3; 
                                   beta.is_default = FALSE;}
        | Ce EQUALS expr         { CE. value = $3;
                                   CE is_default = FALSE;}

        | ROUGHNESS EQUALS expr  { roughness .value = $3;
                                   roughness is_def ault = FALSE;}
        | GAMMA EQUALS expr      { gamma. value = $3;
                                   gamma. is .default = FALSE;}
        | POISSON EQUALS expr    { nu. value = $3;
                                   nu is.default = FALSE;}
        | EXTRN cation EQUALS expr { cation [$2] c [0] = $4;}
        | EXTRN anion EQUALS expr  { anion [$2] .c[0] = $4;}
        | INTRN cation EQUALS expr { cation [$2] c [1] = $4;}
