Page:4SIGHT manual- a computer program for modelling degradation of underground low level waste concrete vaults (IA 4sightmanualcomp5612snyd).pdf/151

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73.OUTPUT B.35

  printf ("\t%6.1le",*);
  printf ("\t%6.1le",);
  printf ("t%6.31f\%6.31f", sulfate.depth* L, chloride-depth * L);
  printf ("\t%,6.3lf," 1000.* 86.4 * [NUM_CELLS - 1] * *Vsample/SQR(L));
  printf ("\t%,6.1lf\n",-loglO (cation[H].c[NUM_SURFACES-1]));

This code is used in section 2.

77. Print termination information to include the day of termination and the depth of chloride and sulfate penetration.

⟨Print termination information 77⟩
  printf ("\n\n");
  if (Day > MaxDay .value && joint-change.flag ==  FALSE) printf("Exceeded u TIHE u limit 
  if (Day > MaxDay .value && joint_change_flag == TRUE) printf("Exceeded u JOINT u LIFETIME
  if (sulfate.depth > Max Depth) printf("Sulfate Failure. \n\n");
  if (chloride-depth *L> rebar_depth) printf("Chloride Failure.\n\n");
  printf("\"T"\t%8.31f ", Time);
  printf("\"S04 (m)"t%8.31f ", sulfate.depth * L);
  printf("\"Cl (m)"t%8.31f" chloride.depth * L);

This code is used in section 2.

78. Print final system state for any desired ion or salt.

⟨Print desired output 78⟩
  printf ("Final System state :\n\n");
  printf ("\"L(m)" \t");
  printf ("\Psi\" \t");
  printf ("\vD" \t");
  printf ("\"xi" \t");
  printf ("\"phi" \t");
  printf ("\"pH\" \t");
  printf ("\"fc" \t");
  for (i= 0; i < num. cations; i++)
    if (cation[i]. output_flag == TRUE) printf ("\"%s" \t', cation[i].name);
  for (j = 0;  j < num.anions; j++)
    if (anion [j].output-flag  == TRUE) printf ("\"%s" \t" anion[j].name);
  for (i =0; i < num.cations; i++)
    for (j=0; j < num.anions; j++)
      if (sol-array [i][j]. output-flag==TRUE)
        printf("\"%s%s" \t",cation[i].name anion[j].name);
    printf ("\n");
    for (k =0; k < NUM.SURFACES; k++) {
    printf ("%7.41f\t, L * k);
    printf ("%7 31f\t",[k]);
    if (k < NUM.CELLS){
      printf ("%6.3lf \t",v[k]);