Page:20 Hrs 40 Min (Earhart).pdf/99

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Denison House. The neighborhood was just piling in for games and classes and I was as busy as could be. I remember when called to the phone I replied I couldn't answer unless the message was more important than entertaining many little Chinese and Syrian children. The word came assuring me it was.

I excused myself and went to listen to a man's voice ask me whether I was interested in doing something aeronautic which might be hazardous. At first I thought the conversation was a joke, and told the gentleman so. At least twice before I had been approached by bootleggers who promised rich reward and no danger―"absolutely no danger to you, Leddy."

The frank admission of risk piqued my curiosity and I enquired how and why I had been called.

I demanded references and got them. They were good references, too. After checking up, I made an appointment for late the same day.