Page:20 Hrs 40 Min (Earhart).pdf/35

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the effects of the unexpected disturbance which was to most of the other men a welcome break in their colorless existence.

Of course one of the jobs of a V.A.D. was to be a merry sunshine, not difficult for me whose I.Q. is low enough to insure natural cheerfulness. Despite our best efforts time often dragged. I wonder if we might not have accomplished more if we had all been good-looking and especially, perhaps, if we'd all worn brilliant colors instead of our grey and white uniforms. It's a pet theory of mine that color in a drab world can go a long way in stimulating morale. There's a suggestion, here, perhaps, for the management of the next war.

The monotony of the hospital prevailed with its food also. Even after ten years I am unable to look a jelly-roll in the eye. They were the diurnal diet in the officers' mess, just as rice puddings prevailed in the wards. I have a depressing memory of passing out little rice puddings