Page:20 Hrs 40 Min (Earhart).pdf/297

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efficiency, she is the first woman to travel from America to Europe by air. A scientist has died after many years of agony because of his devotion to the work of healing, and for him there are only brief paragraphs in the newspapers, while Miss Earhart has columns. Women suffer constant discomfort and risk infection from loathsome diseases, working for the unhappy in slums, in leper colonies, in the fetid tropics, and their names remain unknown. Certainly, the sense of values in the modern world is sadly distorted.

For compensation, here is another clipping, a chuckling commentary upon back-seat driving, of course utterly unfair to my sex:

As a Back Seat Driver Would Have Made That Flight

(Two Hundred Miles Off Trepassey.)

The Woman: Where are we now?

Pilot: I can't quite make out.

The Woman:There must be some way of telling.