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Toynbee Hall, dean of settlement houses, on which our own Denison House in Boston is patterned. Nothing in England will interest me more than to revisit Toynbee Hall and the settlement houses that I did not see.

But this can be no catalogue of what that brief time in London meant to us. To attempt to say "thank you" adequately would take a book in itself and this little volume is to concern the flight and whatever I may be able to add about aviation in general. Altogether it was an alluring introduction to England, enough to make me wish to return and explore, what this time, I merely touched.

Before we left, the American correspondents invited me to a luncheon—another of the pleasant memories of our visit. It was "not for publication." And although I was the only woman present we talked things over, I think, on a real man-to-man basis. From first to last my contact with the press has been thoroughly enjoyable;