Page:20 Hrs 40 Min (Earhart).pdf/134

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20 HRS. 40 MIN

Bill and Slim have returned with news of rain and clouds ahead.

A light wind is springing up which may help the situation.

We are half-way to Trepassey. The coastline will help us in navigating for a while unless the fog cuts off the view.

Bill says he'll try to make T., so Slim is cranking up. A broken primer is found, but we start without soldering it, as time is precious. We have already lost an hour by change of time.

The fog and clouds look pretty bad. The Flight Sergeant at Halifax says we may return, and we agree. Bill says the Newfoundland coast is bad enough, but in a fog won't be tried.

We are flying blind on the right side, but can see a little on the left. Probably rain ahead.

I tried to take a m. p. of our leaving Halifax. I had to take it through the glass, and don't imagine it will be worth much.

Time of leaving H. about 2:30.

Slim comes back to pump gas into the right tank from the small cans.