Page:20 Hrs 40 Min (Earhart).pdf/132

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20 HRS. 40 MIN.

has had many visitors from the air. These people, I think, have come to feel a real intimacy with the flyers. There have been Lindbergh and Byrd, de Pinedo, Mrs. Grayson, possibly Old Glory, and in the old days, the N. C. 4's, disregarding the incidental flights which doubtless have winged over this territory.


Log Book:

What makes people live on little jets of land like this one?

White, white sand and curving wrinkled water, windswept and barren.

I have changed my seat to a gas can, one of the two saved this morning.

A green mottled shore line comes into view. We are running into clouds and haze again. The former are scudding fast, but we outdistance them.

The motors are humming sweetly.


Continued. I have dozed off and awake to find us flying at 2000 above a sea of fog. The wind is rough and Bill is shutting off the mo-