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lines of railroad situated wholly or mainly within the limits of North Dakota; records and papers of the office of the public examiner of the second district of the territory; records and papers of the office of the second district board of agriculture; records and papers in the office of the board of pharmacy of the district of North Dakota.

All records, books and archives of the territory of Dakota which it is not herein agreed shall be the property of North Dakota, shall be the property of South Dakota.

The following books shall be copied and the copies shall be the property of North Dakota, and the cost of such copies shall be borne equally by the said states of North Dakota and South Dakota. That is to say:

Appropriation ledger for the years ending November, 1889 and 1890 -- one volume.

The current warrant auditor's register -- one volume.

Insurance record for 1889 -- one volume.

Treasurer's cash book "D."

Assessment ledger "B."

Dakota territory bond register -- one volume.

Treasurer's current ledger -- one volume.

The originals of the foregoing volumes which are to be copied, shall at any time after such copying shall have been completed, be delivered on demand to the proper authorities of the state of South Dakota.

All other records, books and archives which it is hereby agreed shall be the property of South Dakota shall remain at the capital of North Dakota until demanded by the Legislature of the state of South Dakota, and until the state of North Dakota shall have had a reasonable time after such demand is made to provide copies or abstracts or such portions thereof as the said state of North Dakota may desire to have copies or abstracts of.

The state of South Dakota may also provide copies or abstracts of such records, books and archives which is agreed shall be the property of North Dakota as said state of South Dakota shall desire to have copies or abstracts of.

The expense of all copies or abstracts of records, books and archives which it is herein agreed may be made, shall be borne equally by said two states.