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shall compare the votes given in the several counties comprising such senatorial and representative district and such clerks or auditors shall immediately make out a certificate of election to the person having the highest number of votes in such district for state senator or representative or both; which certificate shall be delivered to the person entitled thereto on his application to the clerk of the senior county of such district.

§11. Delivery of returns to proper state officer -- Certification to president -- Proclamation of election result -- Lists of elected officers -- Certificates of election.

The secretary of the territory shall receive all returns of election transmitted to him as above provided, and shall preserve the same, and after they have been canvassed as hereinafter provided, and after the admission of the state of South Dakota into the union, he shall deliver said returns to the proper state officer of said state of South Dakota.

Within fifteen days after said election the secretary of the territory, with the Governor and chief justice thereof, or any two of them, shall canvass such returns and certify the same to the president of the United States, as provided in the Enabling Act.

They shall also ascertain the total number of votes cast at such election for the Constitution and against the Constitution; the total number of votes cast for and against prohibition; and the total number of votes cast for and against minority representation; and the total number of votes cast for each city, town or place as the "temporary seat of government"; and the total number of votes cast for each person voted for, for any office at said election, excepting county judges and members of the Legislature, and shall declare the result of said election in conformity with such vote, and the Governor of the territory shall thereupon issue a proclamation at once thereof.

They shall also make and transmit to the state Legislature, immediately upon its organization, a list of all the state and judicial officers who shall thus be ascertained to be duly elected.

The various county and district canvassing boards shall make and transmit to the secretary of the territory the names of all persons declared by them to be elected members of the senate and house of representatives of the state of South Dakota; he shall make separate lists of the senators and representatives so elected, which list shall constitute the rolls under which the senate and house of representatives shall be organized.

The Governor of the territory shall make and issue certificates of election to the persons who are shown by the canvass to have received the highest number of votes for Governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor, treasurer, attorney general, superintendent of public instruction, commissioner of school and public lands and judges of the Supreme and circuit Courts. Such certificates to be attested by the secretary of the territory.