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§5. Election of Constitution and state officers -- Ballots.

This Constitution shall be submitted for adoption or rejection to a vote of the electors qualified by the laws of this territory to vote at all elections, at the election to be held on Tuesday, October 1, 1889.

At the said election the ballots shall be in the following form:

For the Constitution: Yes. No.

For prohibition: Yes. No.

For minority representation: Yes. No.

As a heading to each of said ballots shall be printed on each ballot the following instructions to voters:

All persons desiring to vote for the Constitution, or for any of the articles submitted to a separate vote, must erase the word "No."

All persons who desire to vote against the Constitution, or against any article submitted separately, must erase the word "Yes."

Any person may have printed or written on his ballot only the words "for the Constitution," or "against the Constitution," and such ballot shall be counted for or against the Constitution accordingly. The same provision shall apply to articles submitted separately.

In addition to the foregoing election for the Constitution and for the articles submitted by this convention for a separate vote thereon, an election shall be held at the same time and places, by the said qualified electors, for the following state officers, to be voted for on the same ballot as above provided for votes on the Constitution and separate articles, to wit:

A Governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, auditor, treasurer, attorney general, superintendent of public instruction, commissioner of school and public lands, judges of the Supreme, circuit and county Courts, representatives in Congress, state senators, and representatives in the Legislature.

All the elections above provided for shall be held in the same manner and form as provided for the election for the adoption or rejection of the Constitution. And the names of all the officers above specified to be voted for at such election shall be written or printed upon the same ballots as the vote for or against the Constitution.

The judges of election in counting the ballots voted at such election shall count all the affirmative ballots upon the Constitution as votes for the Constitution; and they shall count all the negative ballots voted at said election upon the Constitution as votes against the Constitution; and ballots voted at said election upon which neither of said words "yes" or "no" following the words "for the Constitution" are erased, shall not be counted upon such proposition. And they shall count all affirmative ballots so voted upon the article on prohibition separately submitted, as votes for such article, and they shall count all negative ballots so voted upon such article as votes against such article; and ballots upon which neither the words "yes" or "no" following the words "for prohibition" are erased, shall not be counted upon such proposition; and they