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§14. Resident aliens' property rights.

No distinction shall ever be made by law between resident aliens and citizens, in reference to the possession, enjoyment or descent of property.

§15. Imprisonment for debt.

No person shall be imprisoned for debt arising out of or founded upon a contract.

§16. Military subordinate to civil power -- Quartering of soldiers.

The military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power. No soldier in time of peace shall be quartered in any house without consent of the owner, nor in time of war except in the manner prescribed by law.

§17. Taxation without consent -- Uniformity.

No tax or duty shall be imposed without the consent of the people or their representatives in the Legislature, and all taxation shall be equal and uniform.

§18. Equal privileges or immunities.

No law shall be passed granting to any citizen, class of citizens or corporation, privileges or immunities which upon the same terms shall not equally belong to all citizens or corporations.

§19. Free and equal elections -- Right of suffrage -- Soldier voting.

Elections shall be free and equal, and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage. Soldiers in time of war may vote at their post of duty in or out of the state, under regulations to be prescribed by the Legislature.

§20. Courts open -- Remedy for injury.

All courts shall be open, and every man for an injury done him in his property, person or reputation, shall have remedy by due course of law, and right and justice, administered without denial or delay.

§21. Suspension of laws prohibited.

No power of suspending laws shall be exercised, unless by the Legislature or its authority.

§22. Attainder by Legislature prohibited.

No person shall be attainted of treason or felony by the Legislature.

§23. Excessive bail or fines -- Cruel punishments.

Excessive bail shall not be required, excessive fines imposed, nor cruel punishments inflicted.

§24. Right to bear arms.

The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the state shall not be denied.