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Article V
Judicial Department

§1. Judicial powers.

The judicial power of the state is vested in a unified judicial system consisting of a Supreme Court, circuit courts of general jurisdiction and courts of limited original jurisdiction as established by the Legislature.

§2. Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court is the highest court of the state. It consists of a chief justice and four associate justices. Upon request by the Supreme Court the Legislature may increase the number of justices to seven. All justices shall be selected from compact districts established by the Legislature, and each district shall have one justice.

§3. Circuit courts.

The circuit courts consist of such number of circuits and judges as the Supreme Court determines by rule.

§4. Courts of limited jurisdiction.

Courts of limited jurisdiction consist of all courts created by the Legislature having limited original jurisdiction.

§5. Jurisdiction of courts.

The Supreme Court shall have such appellate jurisdiction as may be provided by the Legislature and the Supreme Court or any justice thereof may issue any original or remedial writ which shall then be heard and determined by that court. The Governor has authority to require opinions of the Supreme Court upon important questions of law involved in the exercise of his executive power and upon solemn occasions.

The circuit courts have original jurisdiction in all cases except as to any limited original jurisdiction granted to other courts by the Legislature. The circuit courts and judges thereof have the power to issue, hear and determine all original and remedial writs. The circuit courts have such appellate jurisdiction as may be provided by law.

Imposition or execution of a sentence may be suspended by the court empowered to impose the sentence unless otherwise provided by law.

§6. Qualifications of judicial personnel.

Justices of the Supreme Court, judges of the circuit courts and persons presiding over courts of limited jurisdiction must be citizens of the United States, residents of the state of South Dakota and voting residents within the district, circuit or jurisdiction from which they are elected or appointed. No Supreme Court justice shall be deemed to have lost his voting residence in a district by reason of his removal to the seat of government in the discharge of