Page:1976 Campaign Strategy Paper.pdf/66

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Jung, 1975

The moat important month o: the your.

A codoat national otflco in opon in Washington and. staid. In tho middle of tho month, Jim Gar—tor, peanut tumor and. oat-Gonna: announces bororo In opproPriato national forum in Haahington his

intention to soak tho Democratic miution for Prosidont.

A non ailing (300,000) coordinated with this announcement goes out telling tho Cox-tor story and. soliciting support on timid contributions. Carter returns briefly for a. hone-auto announce- mat and fund raising activities boron «parting on a. two week vhirlviafl. trip around the country ma at hitting 511 tho mjox-

aodin norkota.

A mill Georgia oftico staffed. by two pooplo is opened in January vith the inportant uaimont of «mutating with and involving our Georgia trionds in our national effort. This office v11). also In tho taco). point for tho Ooorgia. primary and will probably evolve

as tho focal point for our Southorn efforts. ‘

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for distribution.