Page:1976 Campaign Strategy Paper.pdf/60

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197/. PLANS

1974 is the you during which we met get organized and be organized in order to start 1975 of: en a credible, viable cendidete.

Ming 1974 - and this means mediater - we must eetublieh an office, hire a. minimum start, occcaplieh eeverel ceilings, compile lists, pre- pure computer time, M M, prepere end produce materiel for en eerly 1975 start, also and broaden contacts, research issues, plant publicity eeede, end generally w prong-anon: for an 18—month effort (January, 19754uly, 1976) to capture the necrotic nomination for President of the United States.

The following is e. vetting budget for 1974. It cenaiete of e uininun figure that will be needed to accomplish the preparation: described above. It is a. here-bones budget, realistic end accessory. It used properly it will set us up to be in a. position to reiee considerably

core in 1975 - the year we will need ten times more.

Before discnsning figures, let we briefly discuss what we hen

going for us.

The people at this January 8th neetieg are a nucleus or workers representing diverse talents who are dedicated to making this effort vex-k. Several are roll-tine employees at the Governor, on in the ease of R.J., can legitimately do much for the effort vlnllo pursuing the goals oi the me - Campaign ’74 effort. Soverel neuter: of this comittoe can Ipond 30!- to 50,1 of their time in 1974 on this project.