Page:1976 Campaign Strategy Paper.pdf/6

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I doubt that there is much I can tell you on this subject that is new or original with me that you have not thought about many, many times before.

I think that your public posture and private actions as relates to the Governor's race have been good and correct to this point. You have been helpful to Bert's candidacy in a quiet and indirect manner without giving the public appearance of 'meddling' or abusing the resources of the Governor's office and state government.

Regardless of the outcome of the primary and runoff, we need to be able to take advantage of and partial credit for a Maddox defeat or minimize the impact of a Maddox victory on your plans and national image. The former Will be relatively easy - the latter very difficult.

Assuming that there is a runoff, we need to be able to move swiftly to consolidate the support of our people behind the second candidate. You or Kirbo should meet with the candidate in the runoff with Maddox, offer your public and/or private support and generally create an environment and relationship