Page:1976 Campaign Strategy Paper.pdf/32

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'should be made that a good Governor is better qualified by experience to be President than is a

0.8. Senator who has had only leqislative experience.

~The problem solving ability of the Federal bureaucracy is in question today in this country, but you and other Governors have taken the lead in making state government work in a responsive and efficient manner. Many of the lessons learned at the state level (zero- based budgeting, the sunshine law, etc.) can and

should be applied to the Federal bureaucracy.

~The major prOblems and concerns of the American

people are domestic. Your eXperience as Governor

has brought you into direct contact on a daily basis with the major domestic problems facing our citizens. And far too often the problems of the working man

and woman are only complicated by well intentioned,

but poorly administered, Federal programs which are

not planned or coordinated with state and local efforts. Your knowledge as Governor will enable you to implement preqrans as President that are compatible with state and local efforts and do not conflict or compete with

their programs.

—You are the product of a campaign and an Administration

that has maintained direct contact with the electorate