Page:1976 Campaign Strategy Paper.pdf/18

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- The third group of peeple to be notified are the Democratic

members of Congress, Democratic Governors and Mayors, State Party Chairmen, members of the Democratic National Committee and key Democratic Party workers and activists. My suggestion here is that we assemble a high quality, personalized nailing to these peeple that would arrive simultaneous with your announcement. The message would be positive and convincing in terms of your COEWitment *0 run anywhere against anybody and convincing in terms of analyzing your prospects for winning the Party's nomination. This mailing would not ask for money, but would ask for their advice and/or their support. There are obviously persons amongst this group that you would want to call or see personally before your announce- ment. A good mailing is the best way to deal with the large numbers of important people that fall in this category.

The fourth group are our Georgia friends and supporters. We have computer tapes with the names of 8,000 persons who have contributed to your campaign and/or the Democratic Party. The mail survey of year Georgia correspondence coordinated by Johnny Martin yielded

an additional 5,000~6.000 names of Georgians who have had some favorable contact with you. Consequently, we will have about 12,000-14.000 peeple here in Georgia that we will want to write with a hard-hitting message which stresses the “favorite son‘ theme

and asks for their support and their money.