Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/63

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AN ACT to Amend Sectiona 1, 5, 0, 7, 9, 12, 18, and 15 of Chapter 8 of the General Laws of 1887, entitled "An Act to Create a Territorial Department of Agriculture and Relating to Agricultural Societies and Agricultural Fairs, and Providing for Reports of same."

Be it Enacted by tha Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Dakota;

§ 1. Two districts.] That sections 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13 апа 15, of chapter 3 of the General Laws of 1885, entitled: ‘An act to create a Territorial Department of Agriculture, and relating to Agricultural societies and Agricultural fairs, and providing for reports of same,” are hereby amended to read aa follows:

Department of agriculture created - two districts.] There is hereby created а Department of Agriculture for the promotion of agriculture and horticulture, manufactures and domestic arts, which said department shall be divided into two districts and shall be managed by boards styled District Boards of Agriculture, to consist of one person from each Legislative district, within the limits of the agricultural districts hereinafter defined, and who shall be first appointed by the Governor for the second district and for the year 1887, the persons comprising the present board of agriculture who reside within the said first district, shall continue as the board of agriculture for said first district and thereafter according to the previsions of this act. The board for district number one shall meet at Huron on the 20th day of March, 1887, And the board of district number two shall meet at Fargo on the twenty-ninth day of March, 1887, for the election of officers and for the location of annual fairs, and annually thereafter at their first annual meeting.

The members of said district boards shall be chosen as follows, by delegates er alternates, or the written proxies thereof, of their respective legislative districts, chosen by the several agricultural societies in counties where such societies exist in the fellow in manner, to-wit: In counties having one agricultural society, suc county may appoint three delegates, in counties having two agricultural societies, each society may appoint one delegate, who