Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/228

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AN ACT to Preserve the Waters of Tongue River and its Tributaries for Domestic and Drinking Purposes.

Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of tha Territory of Dakota:

§ 1. What is declared unlawful.] That it shall be unlawful for any person, persons, society or corporation to keep any stock, horses, cattle, sheep or swine in any stable, shed, pen, yard or corral within or upon the banks of Tongue River, or any of its tributaries, or nearer than sixty (60) feet to the top of the bank of said water course, or to use or maintain any privy or privy vault within or upon the bank of Tongue River or any of its tributaries, or nearer than sixty (60) feet to the top of the bank of said water course or to maintain any slaughter house, or slaughter any animal within eighty (80) rods of said water course, or to place or cause to be placed any manure, offal of any kind, carcasses of dead animals or other refuse matter offensive to the sight or smell or deleterious to health, into the Tongue River, or any of its tributaries, or within or upon the banks of the same, in such proximity that the said substance may he washed into said water course.

§ 2. Other prohibitions.] That it shall be unlawful for any person, persons, society or corporation to locate any grave yard or cemetery, or to bury or cause to be buried, the dead body of any human being, or of any animal within eighty (80) rods of said water course.

§ 3. Discontinuance.] It shall be the duty of every person, persons, society or corporation maintaining any grave yard or cemetery or having buried their dead within eighty (80) rods of said water course, to discontinue the use of such grave yard or cemetery, and to remove all such dead bodies within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the passage and approval of this act.

§ 4. Misdemeanor.] That any person offending against any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of à misdemeanor, and shall