Page:1889 Territory of Dakota Session Laws.djvu/179

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upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe the oath of office prescribed by law. Provided, that not more than two trustees of the same board shall be appointed from the same county in which the public institution is located.

§ 2. Powers and duties.] The trustees appointed under the provisions of this act, shall possess the powers and perform the duties now provided by law for the trustees, directors, members of the board of edueation or regents, respectively of the several institutions specified in section 1 of this act, except as hereinafter provided.

§ 3. Sessions limited.] The said board shall not hold more than twelve sessions in any year and said sessions shall not exceed twenty-four (24) days in the aggregate, except that the Governor may in his discretion, authorize additional sessions.

§ 4. Compensation.] The said trustees shall be entitled to receive the sum of three ($3) dollars per day for each day employe in attendance upon said sessions, and all travelling expenses necessarily incurred therein. Upon the presentation of the preper vouchers containing an itemized statement of the number [of lays of attendance and money actually expended, as above specitied, duly "verified by the oath of the trustee and certified by the president or secretary of the board; the Territorial Auditor shall audit said claim and draw his warrant upon the Treasurer for the amount allowed to be paid out of the Territorial Treasury.

§ 5. Term saved.] Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to limit the term of оћсе of any trustee, member of the board of education, directors or regents, who has heretofore been appointed for a definite term.

§ 6. Effect-when.] This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval.

Approved, March 7th, 1889.



AN ACT, Giving the Right of Way Through the Penitentiary Grounds of the Sioux Falls Penitentiary, at Sioux Falls, Dakota Territory, for Drainage Purposes.

Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Dakota:

§ 1. Right of way.] That any person or persons, natural or corporate, or the municipality of Sioux Falls, Dakota Territory, who may desire to take advantage of this act is hereby granted the right of way without giving any compensation to the Territory of Dakota therefor, through and along the east and north side of the