Page:"Rome's recruits" - a list of Protestants who have become Catholics since the Tractarian movement (IA romesrecruitslis00whitrich).pdf/9

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The publication in four successive numbers of The Whitehall Review of the names of those Protestants who have becomes Catholics since the Tractarian movement, led to the almost general suggestion that Rome's Recruits should be permanently embodied in a pamphlet.

This has now been done.

The lists which appeared in The Whitehall Review have been carefully revised, corrected, and considerably augmented; and the result is the compilation of what must be regarded as the first List of Converts to Catholicism of a reliable nature.

While the idea of issuing such a statement of "Perversions" or "Conversions" was received with unanimous favour—for the silly letter addressed to the Morning Post by Sir Edward Sullivan can only be regarded as the wild effusion of an ultra-Protestant gone very wrong—great curiosity has been manifested as the the sources from whence we derived our information. The modus operandi was very simple. Possessed of a considerable nucleus, our hands were strengthened immediately after the appearance of the first list by