Page:"Rome's recruits" - a list of Protestants who have become Catholics since the Tractarian movement (IA romesrecruitslis00whitrich).pdf/11

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Hawarden, Oct. 11, 1878.

Dear Sir,

I thank you for sending me The Whitehall Review with the various lists of secessions to the Roman Church. I am glad they have been collected, and I am further glad to hear they are to be published in the form of a pamphlet. For good, according to some, or for evil, according to others, they form as a group an event of much interest and significance.

It would be very greatly add to the value of the coming pamphlet if an approximate statement of dates could be made part of it. To give the year in each case would probably be very difficult; but would it be difficult to give decades? Say from 1820 or 1830. Even to divide yet more largely would still be useful; as thus:—

  1. Before 1840.
  2. 1840–60.
  3. Since 1860.

You will, I am sure, excuse this suggestion, and again accept my thanks.

I remain, your very faithful

W. E. Gladstone

It would also be matter of interest to note:—

  1. The number of peers.
  2. Of members of titled families.
  3. Of clergy.
  4. Of Oxford men.
  5. Of ladies.

But perhaps you will leave all this to readers to extract for themselves.