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The election of officers of the new Federation resulted as follows:—

  • President: W. T. Young.
  • Vice-President: J. Dowgray.
  • Organiser: R. Semple.
  • Secretary-Treasurer: P. H. Hickey.

For officers of the Social Democratic Party the following were elected:—

  • President: E. Tregear.
  • Vice-President: H. Hunter.
  • Organiser: W. T. Mills.
  • Secretary-Treasurer: P. Fraser.

One marked feature of Congress was the fact that only those delegates who took part in the first Conference in January were elected to official positions. It was also noted that on the Congress floor those organisations and delegates that had endorsed the Basis of Unity submitted to the January Conference voted solidly together to have the committees findings agreed to without amendment.


The Unity Congress having resulted in decisions acceptable to the Federation of Labour, there remained nothing else to be done but to recommend affiliated unions to make immediate application for membership in the reconstructed body. This was done, and the new Federation was launched with every one of the old Federation’s affiliations becoming attached to it.

It was decided, however, that as the Federation of Labour had much valuable property registered in its name, that the registration of the organisation be retained for the time being.