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The first phase was the pronouncement against the encouragement given to scab Unions by the Labour Department.

The second phase was the consideration of industrial and political organisation and the agreement upon a basis of unity.

The third phase was the decision of all branches of the Labour Movement represented at Conference to co-operate in a campaign for an all-New Zealand Congress of Labour bodies, to be held in July of that year.


Mr. P. C. Webb, Federation President, outlined the reasons for calling the Conference, and related how bogus unions were established at Auckland, Waihi, Huntly, Kaitangata, and elsewhere with the connivance of the Labour Department. Unions cancelled registration under the Arbitration Act only to discover that 15 persons in the Union could re-register another union under the Act and bind hundreds of men who were members of the non-registered Union, without their knowledge or consent.

Among the delegates present was the scholarly Mr. Edward Tregear, the Grand Old Man of the New Zealand Labour Movement, and one of the most lovable characters it has ever been my lot to meet. Mr. Tregear was N.Z.’s first Secretary of Labour, and was the father of the Dominion’s industrial legislation, and had endeared himself to all in the Labour Movement, by his wide sympathy with and whole-hearted support of the cause of Labour.

Speaking at Conference, under stress of strong emotion, he said that he had been the devoted servant and advocate of Arbitration for 20 years,