Landon in The Literary Gazette 1823/Fragments 2 1

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For works with similar titles, see Fragment (Letitia Elizabeth Landon).
Poems (1823)
by Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Fragment - The lights are fair in my father's hall.
2254618PoemsFragment - The lights are fair in my father's hall.1823Letitia Elizabeth Landon

Literary Gazette, 26th April 1823, Page 268-269


Just two or three faint chords.

The lights are fair in my father's hall,
    The red wine is bright to see;
But I'll flee like a bird and leave them all,
    My Ocean Love! for thee.

There is gold around my silken robe,
    And white pearls are in my hair:
And they say that gems and the broidered vest
    Are woman's chiefest care;

But dearer to me is one silent smile
    Of thine eagle eye than them all;
And dearer the deck of thy bark to me
    Than my father's lighted hall.

I have no home now but thy arms,
    And they are the world to me;
And be thou but true, I'll never regret
    All, dear love! I have left for thee. [1]

  1. Signature after last Fragment