King George IV. his welcome to Scotland/The emigrants' farewel to Ayrshire

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King George IV. his welcome to Scotland (1822)
The emigrants' farewel to Ayrshire
3276283King George IV. his welcome to Scotland — The emigrants' farewel to Ayrshire1822




Farewell to Ayrſhire's gilded ſtreams,
Whar a' the ſweets of Nature beams,
Farewel unto my bonny Jean.
For now maun billows roar between;
Farewel thoſe friends I lov'd ſo dear.
Oft did your mirth my boſum cheer,
Farewel to a', ance' a' my care,
Farewel ye bonny banks of Ayr.

But now the hour is drawing nigh,
The tear ſtands twinkling in my eye;
The ſhip lies hovering in the bay,
To ſpread her ſails. and bear away.
O wretched hour muſt then I go.
And leave my Jean my friends in woe,
Leave all ſo dear, in black deſpair,
And bid adieu to banks of Ayr.

Had Commerce flouriſh’d on thy plains,
With Freedom link'd in peaceful chains,
I ne'er would leave thy ſhades ava,
An exile to America.
But, waes me a' is fled and gane,
And left grim miſery alane!
No ſhining hope, but falſe a’ air,
Hangs low’ring o'er the banks of Ayr.

My grief forbids, my waes renew,
I ſcarcely now can bid adieu!
For hazy is the dewy morn,
Poor victim from thy boſom torn;
The ſpirit of a Scotia's ſon,
No more on love does boldly run,
But ſinks and dies to riſe nae mair,
To ſmile upon the banks of Ayr.

Yer while I tread the diſtant ſhore,
Upon the beach where billows roar,
I'll think upon the ancient name,
Ance kindly. ne’er to meet again!
It's where my Jean does lonely dwell,
My boſom ſhall in rapture swell,
And love her beſt in ſpite of care,
My Jean upon the banks of Ayr.

So now adieu. for we muſt part,
Yet, tho' I go, I leave my heart,
Hoping all your waes will ceaſe,
And Commerce flouriſh in ſweet peace.
Farewel my friends my Jean. and thee!
My love ſhall ever conſtant be.
Farewel again, my heart is fair,
A long adieu, ye banks of Ayr.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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