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Index:California Digital Library (IA historyofkansas00hollrich).pdf

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Title History of Kansas
Author John N. Holloway
Year 1868
Publisher Lafayette, Ind., James, Emmons & co
Source pdf
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
OCLC 68780673
Pages (key to Page Status)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584


History of Louisiana—How Connected with History of Kansas; Ferdinand de Scto's Expedition to the Interior of the United States; The Certury that Elapsed; Indian Reports of a Great River in the West; Marquette's Expedition Down the Missis. sippi; La Honton's Travels; La Salle's Explorations of the Mississippi, and his Unsuccessful Attea)pt to Found a Colony at its Mouth; De Iberville Repeats the Effort to Colonize Lower Louisiana with Better Success; Sufferings of the Colony; Crozat Acquires Control of it; He Fails; Louisiana in the Hands of the Western Company
HISTORY OF LOUISIANA-The Company's Operations; Its Prosperity Not Real; Surrenders its Charter; What was Accomplished for the Colony under its Auspices; On its Reversion to the King he Chastises the Indians; Boundaries of Louisiana; England and Spain Jealous of French Prosperity; Conflicting Claims of England and France; English Attempt to Settle the Northwestern Territory; The French Oppose this Movement; Rup. ture Between the two Nations Which Gives Rise to the French War; Treaty of Paris; Part Spain Played, and Her Loss; France Cedes the Remnant of Louisiana to Spain; Cession Kept Secret for Awhile; Discontent when Made Known; The American Revolution and its Results; Part Spain Played and Her Gain; Treaty of 1795; Attempts to Form a Separate Government in the South-western States; United States Alarmed on Hearing of the Treaty of St. Ildefonso; Jefferson Negotiates to Purchase Louisiana; Bonaparte's Remarks upon the Subject; Treaty of 1803; United States Takes Possession of Louisiana; Its Division and Organization by Congress
INTRODUCTION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF AFRICAN SLAVERY IN THE UNITED STATES AGAINST THE WISHES OF THE PEOPLE-What the History of Slavery in the United States Shows; Thrust upon the Colonies by England against their Remonstrances, as

shown in the history of Massachusetts, Virginia, Georgia, New York, New England States, and South Carolina; The Declaratron of Indeperdence embodies the sentiments of the People in regard to Slavery; Suppressed Artile; Action of Continental Congress against it; Effort in 1784 to Prohibit Slav:ry from the Territories of the United States; Prohibition of 1787; Slavery Triumph in the Constitutional Convention; South Carolina and Georgia Cede their Territory to the Union on Conditions; Slave Trade followed by Slave Breeding............ 38-46

TRIUMPH OF SLAVERY IN 1820-Missouri Petitions Congress for Admission; Referred to a Committee; Report not acted upon that Session; Petition renewed at next Session; Slavery Restriction Introduced; Bill Lost; Arkansas Territory Organized; Magnitude of the Missouri Question; Popular Excitement during the Summer; Position and Arguments of the two Parties; The Sixteenth Congress; The Missouri Question Engages its Attention: Mr. Taylor's Amendment; The Stormy Debate; Its Character; Selections from the Speech of Mr. Otis, o' Mr. Barbour, and others, Mr. Thomas' Amendment; The Vo:e;'I he two Houses Disagree; The Committee of Conference; The Compromise; Missouri forms a Constitution; Objectionable to Congress; Admitted upon Conditions; She Complies with Them.................................................. 46-56

TRIUMPH OF SLAVERY IN TIIE ANNEXATION OF TEXAS.- Question about the Boundaries of Louisiana,; Treaty, ith Spain; A Southern Move; oiexico Gains her Independence; Texas Colonized-Rfvolts and Asks to be Annexed to the United States; The Annexation and Provisions; Opposition to the Annexation; President's Proposition to Congress to Satisfy Mexico with Money; Question as to the Character of Labor in tne Territory; Wilmot Proviso —Lost; Popular Sovereignty First Einunciated-Not Popular; Attempt to Organize the Terri, tory; Resumed in 1850; Slavery Holds the Missouri Compromise Sacred; Compromise; Wnat the South Gained................ 66-63

KANSAS.NEBRASKA ACT-SLAVERY TRIUMrPH-Relation of Both Parties to the Missouri Compromise; Its fir.:t Infraction in 1836; Petitions for Organizing Territory West of Missouri; Opposition of the South; Bill tor Its Organization in the 33d Congress; Validity oftthe Missouri Compromise First Questioned; Plighted Faith; S A. Douglas at First Startles but Resolves not to be Outbid; His Kansas-Nebrask Bill; Position of the Two Parties; Motion of Mr. Douglas; Mr. Chase's Motion Mr. Badger's Motion; Mr. Clayton's Motion; Mr. Chase's Pioposition; Bill Passes the Senate; Bill in the House; Parliamentary Maneuver of Hon. A HE Stephens; Bill Forced Through; Congressional Globe; Bill in the Senate; Atchison's Speech; Signed by the President; Design of Organizing Two Territories................................................................................ 64- 72.


AN ACT TO ORGANIZE THE TERRITORY OF KANSAS.......................... 74-86

CHAPTER VIII—1705-1854

ANTIQUITIIES OF KANSAS-Kansa., Antiquities not remote; be Name; Discovered in 1705; Explored it 1719; Spanish Expedition and Battle in 1720; 1'ie French Eistahlish a Fort on rte Missouri: Expedition of Louis and Clar a; First Steamboat up the Missouri: The Fnr Trade; Sant:t Fe Tra'de; Indians Troubhle the Trairn; Coerncil Gro'e; 0 lttriti Posts; Mag nitude of th-i Tr'ad.; For: Lai'veaoritb; Rtmoval of the [ndians from the Ea^t; Fort Scott; Fritmont; Trains Acrss to the Pacific; The Border in thtOe iexican Wsar &nd Gold Excitement in California; Description of Prairie Commerce.... 87-95

A SURVEY OF THF BATTLIR " IELD AND TlE CONTESTANTrS BEFORE THE CONFLICT-.Kansas Regarded as a Barren \Wase; Better known after California Emrigratiou; People of Missouri; Slavery and Kansas Territory; Atchison's Speech; Character of the People on the Border; EItdect of Atchison'Y Speech; His Biography; Feeling of the People af er the Repea! of the Missouri Corn,:romise; Feeling of the Free Stati; Determined to Contest its Settlement; Advantages on the Side of Slavery............... 96-105

PRO-SLAVERY, EMIGRATION, AND EMGRANT InD SOCIFTIFE —Emigrea tion from Missouri; Politicians hold Sqnalter Neeti'gs; R.soIftions of the First Convention in Kansas; hbolitiouists; Founding of Leavenworth; Of Atchison; Free State Men niot Idle; eal ot e Pres; Organization of Aid Societies; New Eng nT5~'"imirgrnti Aid Society; Its I)esign, Car:.icter. and Mode of Operatiug; Emigrant Aid Company of New York and Cincinna'i; Union Emigratin Society; Their Primary Object; Not Mlleg:I r nor Dhoorable...................... 106-115

FREE STATE EMIGRATIGN, HOSTILE PREPARATIONS, AND T1E BFCGTNNING OF DIFFICULTIES - Free State Settlers; Disturbed by MRissourians; Squatter Government;, H Branscomb; Firt vet tlement of Lawrence; Of Topeka; MGnhattan; Grasshopper Fall'; What the Emigrant Aid Societies Did, and Especially the New England; The Border- Alarmled; Platte Argus; The Passions of the Border M5en Excited; Resolutions at Border Meetings; Reward Offered for Eli Thayer; Threats Twards A. Guthrle; Platte County Self.Defensive Association; Remarks of the Border Chiefs; Lives and Characters of the Stringfellows; Missouri Secret Societies; Real and Avowed Causes of their Formation; Self Defensives Seize T. A. Minsrd and an O'd Citizen; Arraign Rev. F. Starr; Seek to Control Trede; Citizens Prntest Against Them; They Remove their Headquarters from Weston; First Invasion of Lawrence.................. 116-130

CHAPTER1 XIi.-1854.

INAUGURATION OF GOVERNMENT-NO Government for four months, but all was orderly; Territorial Officers Appointed; Biography of Governor Reeder; His Arrival at Leavenworth; Tour through the Territory; Proclamation for Election, not Palatable to Pro-slavery Men The Convention at Leavenworth; Its Correspondence with Governor Reeder; The Candidaate for 1)eiegate to Congress; Slavery not an Issue; TheElec Frauds; Snmmary of the Returns; J. W. Whitfild Eected; Popular Sovereignty Exemplified; Courts Opened................. 131-137


ELECTING TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE -Mild Winter; Census Taken; Returns; Anecdote; Disaffection of Pro-Slavery Men; Proclamration for an Elec:tion of Territorial Legislature; Slavery Made the Issue; Preparations in Missouri; Invasion of the I'erritory and Stuffing Ballotboxes; At Lawrence; Bloomingto; Sixteenth District; Eighteenth; Abstract of Election Returns; Excuse for Illegal Voting; The Emigrant Aid Societies Took no Part in the Election; Free State did not all Vote; A Fair and Full Vote Would Have Given a Free State Majority; Testimony of the City Attorney of St. Joseph; On Demand of Members Elect Governor Reeder Issues Certificates, Except in Six Districts; Protests; Pro Slavery Men Incensed; Refuse to Participate in the New Election........................... 138-153


THE CONSEQurENcE —Feelings of Free State Men; Their Demeanor; Rejoicing on the Borlrer; "Squatter Sovereign" Advises Extermination; A Convention to Intimidate Reeder; Destruction ot " Parkville Luminary "; Warning to Methodist Preachers; Mee tings' t Wes.ton and Liberty; Murder of Clark; McCrea's Escape; Pro-Slavery Men Enraged; Notify Mr. Phillips to jLeae; Another Meeting; Vigilance Committee Appointed; Phillips Carried to Weston, Tarred and Feathered, and otherwise Qutraged; The Action Endorsed by a Public Meeting; Diffeience in the Manners of Free Ltate Men and ProSlavery M en................................................................... 154-158


TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE-Governor Reeder Goes to Washington; President Urges Him to Resign-But They Cannot Agree Upon the Terms of Correspondence Grounding His Resignation; Other Positions Offered Mr. Reeder; He Returns to the Ter-ntory Feeling Insulted; Territorial Legislature Assembles at Pawnee; Both Houses Purge Themselves of the Free State Element; Report of Committee on Credentials in the House-Minority Report; Protest of the Ousted Members; Motion of Judge Wakefield in Council; Colonel Coffey's Response to Wakefield's Interrogation; Report of Committee on Credentials; Protest of Free State Members; Move the Temporary Seat of Government to Shawnee Manual Labor School Over the Governor's Veto; Design of Calling Legislature at Pawnee; Legislature at Shawnee Mission Frames a Code of Laws; Their Oppressive Features; Governor Refuses to Recognize Them as a Legal Body; They Consult the Supreme Court of the Territory Which Renders a Judgment in Their Favor; Legislature Memorialize the President for Mr. Reeder's Removal; Mr. Reeder Removed.................................................... 158-167


CAUSES OF REEDER'S REMOVAL CoNSIDERED-Causes; Pawnee; Reeder Interested;,eff. Davis Orders the Removal of the Inhabit.:i-its; Orders not Observed Until the Fall of 1855-When it is Car-ied Out; Half Breed Kaw Lands; Reeder's Speculation No Speculation At All; Governor Reeder's Career Praise Worthy; Members of Legislature Attend to Their Own Interest; Complaints of Their Conatituents; Hon. Wilson Shannon Appointed Governor; His Biography; A. Copy of the Laws Punishing Offenses Against Slave Property................ 168-176


FREE STATE MOVEMENTS-Oppression of Free State Men; They Pe. tition in Vain; Determine to Protect Themselves by Peaceable Means First; Convention at Lawrence on the 8th of June; National Democratic on the 27th; Free State: en on the 11th of July; Mass Convention on the 14th of August; The Union Mass Convention on the 15th takes Preliminary Steps for a Constitutional Convention; Organization of the Free State Party; Platform; Very (:onservative; Reasons; Report of Committee on State Organization; On Legislative Matters of the Territory; Provides for Election of Delegate to Congress; Reeder Defended from Charges and Nominated; Judge Smith's Speech; Reeder's Response; Topeka Delegate Convention 19th of September; Its Resolutions......................... 177-189


FaRE STATE MOVEMENTS-Continued-People's Proclamation: Call for an election of Delegates to Constitutional Convention; The Absorbing Topic Discussed; Election of Delegates to Congress; An Amusing Incident; Topeka Constitutional Convention; Character of the Body; Vote on Striking Out "White;" On Approving Squatter Sovereignty: Excluding Free Negroes; The Constitution; Signers, their Occupation, &c. 190-199


VARIOUS EVENES- t ate Emigrati Improvements; Poor Class of New Emigrants nse; Secretary Woodson; Convention at Lexington, Missouri, of Border Chiefs; Secret Organization; Kansas Legion; Pat. Laughlan's Expose; Efforts to Involve Free State Men in Legal Difficulties; Pojicy of Free tate-Men, especially at Lawrence; Another Secret' OtgniTzation; Its Character and Object; Outrage at Atchison on J. W. B. Kelley; Resolutions; Rev. Pardee Butler sent afloat on the Missouri River; Collins Killed by Laughland; How Shannon's Appointment was Viewed by the People of'he Border; His Arrival at Kansas City; Commits Himself to Slavery; Pleases Pro-Slavery Men; Address t te " Law-andOrder People;" Call for a Convention; Object of the lmovement; The Convention; Remarks by Shannon, Calhoun, Parrott, Judge Lecompte and Woodson................................... 200-212

CHiAPTERl XX-1855.

BE:GINM-ING OF TIIV WAAKRSAARU WAR-Diisputes About Claims; Hickory Point; Origin of Diffeulties; Coleman kill Dw; Murderer Fiees to VWesttnoret and Sarrlcade"s timseflf to Sheriff Jones; Offense to the D ead; Funeral: C.,iven:ion; Jones-His Char acter and Hlistory; Starta to Lecomptnn With His Prsoner; Obtains a Writ tv Arrest Brannoon; TIte Arrest; The Rescne; Excuse for the Rescue; Lawrence and It Action; Design in Makin- th' Arrest; She, ff Jones Writes to Missu ouri for Help and to the Go-ernor for Three Thonsand Troops; Governor's Letter to Miaqjor General Richardson; Excitement in Missouri -Inflammatory Appeal; Shannon' Proclamation; Woodson's Letter to Atchison.................................................... 23 —-225


WAKARUSA WAR-N-issouri' Respon:.-e; The Force3 in Cap About, Lawrence-Object in Surrounindin th.e Tow; Editors of the Squattep Sov vreigu in the Field; Lawrence Dsmisass the Rescuers and Prepares for Defeiqse; Sends Couriers Throagh the TFrritory and Calls tor Assistance; The Response; Leavenworthi Del, ation; R]p'ortt of t.e Coiomitmitee r Governor's Prociamatiio; Petition to t; President; Colonel Sumner Solicited to Interfere; nemonrial to Congress; Preparations ft Lawrtnci"-It- s Force and Fortifications; Sheriff Jones in Town; Rdlcants fear to attAck; General Eastin's Letter t: Governor Shannon; The Latter Tefgraphs to the President -Writes to Colonel Sumner; Sumner's tAeply; Shannon Acting upon Sumner's Snggestion, writes to Sheriff Jones and Rliichardson;'The Replies of these Two Gentlemen; Shannon again Writes to Sumner; Committee of Safety's Letter to Governor Shannon; The Daoutatlion from Lawrence, and Their Representation to tie Governor; The Interview; The Governor Sees that He haa been Imposed Ukon; Goes to Wakaruse Camp; Labors to uell the Commotion; Again Asks Aid of Colonel Sumner; Rufians Attempt to Intercept His Dispatch; Sumner Refuses to Mlove; Anderson's Letter; T'he Biack Fla " to be Raised; Pomeroy Intercepted; Indian Chiefs Offer Aid to Lawrence; Clark's Pottowatomies............ 226-242


TnH MISUNrDERSTANDING-Thomas Barber; His Wife; Parting Scene; He Go)e to Lawrence; Particulars of His Murder; The Widow's A ony; Effect Upon the Free State Boys; Deputation Sent to Conduct the Governor into Town; The Conference; The Governor is Satisfied of His Mistake; He Returns to the Pro-Slavery Camp; His Orders to General Richardson; He Arranges for a Conference; Returns to Lawrence; Signs the Treaty; Dissatisfaction: The Treaty; Conference on the Wakarusa; Attempt to Assassinate Lane and Robinson; Shannon's Orders to the Pro-Slavery Leaders to Disband their Forces; D!aappointment of the Ruffians; He Authorizes Robinson and Lane to Defend the Town; Incidents; The Social; Disbanding the Forces; A Tribute, to the Ladies of Lawrence. 243-255 CHAPTER XXIII-18)5. ROBINSON AND LANE-Life and Character of Governor Robinson; Life and Character of Hon. J. H. Lane; Robinson's Address to the Soldiers on the (tecasion of Their Disbandment; Arrest and Trial of Some of the Rescuers; "Border Rafians;"

Their Character............................................................. 256-265


VARIOUS EVENTS OF THE WINTER —Vote on Topeka Constitntion; Destruction of the Polls at Leavenworth; Mastering Oat of Territorial Militia; Destruction of thr Press of the "Territorial Register;" M. W. Delahay; Convention to Nominate Free State Officers; The Election of State Officers Under Topeka Constitution; Election at Leavenworth; Disturbances at Eastin; Pro.Slavery Man Killed; Free State Men 1Made Prisoners; All Escape except Brown, who is Minldered; Resol!-. tions of the Legislature; Further Troub'es at Eastin; beverity of the W inter.................................................................. 266-273


EXTERMINATION-President's Message; Border Ruffians Determine to Exterminate; Jones' Letter to Robinson and Lane; Their Reply; The Treaty Exploded; Preparatious Along the Border; Dr. Stringfellow's Proposition to Bay Arms " Kickspoo Pioneer" on the War cry; Atchison's Harangue; The Bordier Chiefs send a Messenger to Washington to Preserve the Influence of the Administration; They nucceed; "'he South Comes to the Rescue; Baford's Move; Extract from,the "Eufaulq Spirit of the South;" Action of Alabama; Resolution,; in Mississippi; Southern Emigrants; Border Chiefs Go South to Lecture; Atchison's Letter to the South.......................... 274-282

C!t:APTER XXVI-1856.

FREE STATE PREPARATIONS AND PROCLAMATION OF TIE PRE8IDENTApprehensions of the Free State Men; Alarming Reports from the Border; Dark Prospect of the Free State MIen; LSwrence Prepares for the Worst; Action of the Executive Committe-o; Deputation to the Fre) States; Letters to the President; His Proclamation; Aimed at Free State M1ien; Satisfactory to Border Ruffians, except in One Respect; Governor Authorized to Employ the United States Troops................................... 283-288


STATE LEGISLATURE-Winter passes by without any Invasion; Rumors that the Legislature would be Arrested; Assembling of the State Legislature; Its Organization; Governor's Message; Acts of the Legislature; Territorial Executive Committee Makes its Report and Closes its Existence; Its History; Territorial Free State Scrip; Names of Members of the Legislature........................................................................ 289-295


CONGRESS - INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE - Thirty-fourth Congress; Reeder Contests Whitfield's Seat; Appointment of the Investigating Committee; The Resolutions; The Committee; Their Action; Their Report; Its Summary; The Appointment of the Committee the Work of Anti-Slavery Men; Bitterly Opposed by Pro-Slavery Men; Border Chiefs Enraged; Renew Their Threats of Extermination; The Quarantine; Pardee Butler Again Outraged; Whitfield Ousted; (Topeka Constitution in Congress-see Appendix.)...................................... 296-302


THE LEADING FREE STATE MEN ARRESTED OR DRIVEN FROM THE TERRITORY-Interest in Kansas; S. N. Wood; Southein Emigrants; Buford's Regiment; Attempts at Arrests; Sheriff Jones again Enraged; Calls on the Governor for Help: Governor Writes For and Obtains Troops Sumner's Letter to the Mayor of Lawrence; Sheriff Again in Lawrence and Makes Arrests; Is Shot in the Evening; Action of the Citizens; Sam. Salters Continues the Arrests; Hiding of Free State Men; Lawrence Environed; Colonel Sumner; Writes a Letter to Dr. Robinson; The Reply; Attempt to Arrest Reeder; Failure; Writs for Leading Free State Men; Their Conference at Tecumseh: Decide to Call State Legislature and Elude the Arrest until It Meets; Governor Robinson Starts East; Is Intercepted; Mrs. Robinson Goes On; Governor Brought Back; Escape of Reeder; Arrest of G. W. Browi and Gaius Jenkins; Copy of the Indictment for Treason...................... 303-311


THE SIEGE -F LAWRENCE-Lawrence Again Besieged; "Squatter Sovereign; " Proclamation of the Secretary; Letter to Governor Shannon; His Reply; Action in Regard to Secretary's Proclamation; People Without a Leader; Committee of Safety; Its Policy; Resigns; A New Committee; Its Policy and Reasons; Federal Troops; The Embarrassment; Discontent; Many Leave Lawrence; The Invading Forces; Detention of a United States Officer; Arms Seized; Persons Arrested; Cox's Visit to the Pro-Slavery Camp; Letter from Lawrence to Secretary Woodson; His Reply, Efforts to Avert the Calamity; The Special Effort; A Failure; Murder of Jones and Stewart; A Final Peace Effort to Ward Off the Blow.............................................................................. 312-328


THE SACK OF LAWRENCE-The Invading Forces; They Appear Behind Lawrence; Scene in Lawrence; Marshal Enters Town; Makes Arrests; Hands Over His POsse to Sheriff Jones; Letter from the Committee of Sa'ety to the Marshal; Jones Enters Town and Deranads the Arms, which are Given Up; Atchison's Speech; Invaders Enter the Town; Indictments Against Public Buildinls; Destruction of the "Free State JP'rss"; Of the "H erArld of Freedom;" Hotel Demolished; Description of the Mluildings; Jones in HIis Glo'y; Plunder i g; The Loss................................................................. 329-338


DIFFICULTIES AT LEAVENWORTH-Retiring Invaders: Another War Appeal; Free State Guerrillas; Lecompton Affrighted; Attack on Captain Walker; Affray at Mr. Str-rr's; Governor Searches for Arms; Efforts to Break Up the Congressional Investigation; N otice; Arrests....................................................... 339-344


"OLD BROWN'S" WARFARE-Life and Character of John Brown, Sen.; John Brown, tr., Matches to the Rescue of Lawrence; Pottowatomie Murders; Causes to bt' Deplored; Pretext for?iewT O'tr'get-S; Young Brewn's Co(mpany Disbanded; Old;rown on the War Path; Captain P.!,-':; Inv'asion; Takes Two of Brown's Sons Prisoners Encaamps on Black Jack; Plun ders Pal nmra and Takes Prisoners; Thb Battle; Escape of Dr. Graham; T':e Surrender; AttacS on Franklin; Gatherina of Missourians on Buli Creek; Governor's Procla mation; Gathering of the Free State Forces; Colonel Samther's Arri val; Disperses S:ore's Men and Brown's; Summner Viiits VVhitfiild's Camt; Whittield's Forces Divide; One Goes to Missouri with the Prilloners, Som)e (of Whom They Kill; The Other t: Osawatomie and Sack It................................... 3-15-362


FltI:F FOR KANSAS AND THE DISPERSION OF THE LEGISLATUREReign of Terror; Emnigrants Iromr illinois Drive, tBack; Boats Seized and returrne'l; Aid from the Elast; Wiscenltiin First to Move; Rev. Henry Ward BeecheratNew Haven; Illinois; Grand Kansas Aid Committee; Boeton and State Kansas Comm ittees; Causes of Popular Interest; Exci:ement in the South; Protec tion for the State Legislature; Call for Extra Session; PreT:,rations tor Arresting It; The ]E)xtra Session; Communiction with Colonel Sumner; Secretary Woodson Visits the Convention; Entrance of Colonel Sumner; The Dispersion... 363-376


BOLD STROKES AND EXTERMINATION-ColIonel S:mner Super;eded; General Smith; General Lane's Advent; Guerrillas; Takintt of the Pro-Slavery Fort; Mu'der of M,jor Hoyt; Franklin T'aken; Fort Saunders; Titu;' Hoasor Attlcked; Stampede at Lecorapton; Gove.rnor Shianno)'s S-cot;iL Treaty; Outrages; Resignation and Removal of Governor.Shannon; Extermination Atrain; The B rd,,: Circular; Apeieal of the'Law-and Order P,.rty;" Woodson'R!, Proclamation;'Squatt Soer overign'

"Third ard Last. Time;" Militia C-lted Out; Skirmish on Middle Creek; March Upon Osawatomie; ]The Battle; Town Sacked and Burnt; The Result; Depredations About Lecompton; Orders to Destroy Topeka; Topeka Boys on a March; Colonel Harvey's Men at Slough Creek; Demonstrations Before Lecompton; Release of Prisoners; Barbarites at Leavenworth; Reign of Terror Complete; Release of Free State Prisoners.. 377-394


Governor Geary-Governor Geary's Appointment-His Biography; Pro-Slavery Men Dissatisfied; Their Address; Their Design; Governor's Arrival and What he Saw; His Inaugural; Orders the Militia to Disband; Force about Lawrence; Panic at Lecompton; Affray at Hickory Point,; Sketch of Captain Whipple's Life; Arrest of Harvey's Men; Their Trial; The Forces Around Lawrence.; Visit of the Governor; the "Militia." 395-401


THEt Cortn TS-Territor;.i ( ourts; Judge Cato; IMurder of Buff m; Eff,'::i; to Atrrept the Murderert and Bri ei. irn to Jestice; Lite aad 0iharac;-r oi Jiadle L —compte; Geary seeks to Artuise the Judlge to a Sanse of Duty; Rsiuses Troopsi to M iake Arrests... 407-412


LANE'S: NORTHERtN A.MY-Emigra ion Gathers in Iwwa; Its Character; First Compayv'hrou.: h; Opening the Way; The Armay; Efforts to Cheie thils Emizration; Redpe-th's Company; Deputtion C, Ills oin' tLh Governor; Pameroy and Eldridge's Company; The Governor's Account; Geary's Prejudices.......... 413-421

(CAPTER XXXIX-1856-57.

PE.ACE —AaREST OF THE FREE STATE LEGISLATURE-R-eign of Peace; D strurbancs -at Leavenworth Stopped; Territorial Troops; Election for Dilegate to Congress; Governor's Tour; Troubles iai 1Botbern Kansa; Genertous Offer of Vermont; Theaiy,:s flyatt's Scheme; Geary's Administration; Peace Efforts; St.ate Legisiature Aserolbies; Resignation of Robinson; Iils ExTlanation; Sheriff Jones' Scheme; ioembers Arrested............ 422-427


T ERR1TORIA, LEGISLATUREv -Territorial Legislature Con venes; Obj'ctionable Acts; Qlarrels with the Governor; William'. Sherrard; Cansoe of the Dificnity; Shrrard Assails Jones and others; Ofi':rs Tndignities to'ibe tGoverror; Efforts to Censure Sherrard; Indifference of.Jude Cato; Indignation Meetines; One at lecorrpton; Rtesolutious; Sherrard l(iled; Nitional )ernocratic Party ot Kransas Territory; Death of RichardAl:; Treasurer's Report; Geary Forsaken; i presentatives at Washington; Geary Resigns; Flees from the Territory; Parallel Bet een Reeder and Geary; New Appointments.................. 428-440


QUESTION OF VOTING FOR DELEGATES TO THE LECOMPTON CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION-Life of Hon. R. J. Walker; Object of.His Appointment; Sketch of Hon. F. P. Stanton's Lile; Arrival of the Latter;t Lecompton, Their Policy; Fre Staoe Man lacredulous; Vote for Calling the State Convention; Provis ions for the Census; Provisions for the Election of Delegates; Census Returns; Law Not Complied With; The Apportionment; Mr. Stanton's Speech; Governor Walker on ttie Eection in his Inaugural; Reasons Why Free State Men n't Contest the Election; Pro-Slavery Men Censure Walker; Extract from Richmond Papr; Free State Men Resplv.; not to contest the Election; State Legislature Convenes... 441-454


QUEST)ION OF VOTINGX FOR MEEMBERS (F TIlE LEGISLATURE-CODVeCiioln at: Topeka; Election; T he Li' Ewrfeco( Manicp!lI Govern.:;~Ptit; Q:ctio;J of c r' t, tf:i i be E le ction; l)ifleu i t es it The rWav; Apportionment; Decie. d Asi. iogt Free State Men; Grass. hopper rFall Counvlet'on; Reo F.rtions; The Delerate Coivention; Eiectiorn ResultsFr; Frudi; Kansas Judges... 455-464


LECOMPTON CONS TITUTI OAL CON VENTION —CG.tit1tioi il Convention )Oranizeid;.[n disntio T' owar's th, C)onvention; Framing the Con si ttion; Q aesti n f Subcitin It Xt to a Vote; Tts Features; Prov;siots for S:bmirt ino It to teh ie People; Objections3 to It; Fcree Stiate Mn R:i f'unse. to t3 Participath in Election iThe Misstau; Critical SitE.tSion cf Free S;ete Men; The I ri Thltfnl t a;ui r Go. err;o Walker at W'.. hi'i;t;tlo is.R1esini ttion; Extra Ss.iio,. of the LeIislature cIle'd; Ditficulties the Laiv sature could not Overcotie; Its Acit; RP'-mo'al ot Stan. ton and Apt )oirltmer, of General I. enver; Eection on Rat.iti cationr (r Rejection; Constitui.Dl in Cotn^rvs-irglish Bill; Covode In vesti atio..................................................... 465-481


LGTclr, ATUR ES-.Electior f Sr S te4 ()fticcirs; Democr tic ConVenn't;nn; L:~wrerce Co,:)':int'-on c)t ] ect:euleT 2,; Tba: oi' t;e 23d?; Lane's SPratie.e.' B olt', (Conventio;" Election Re. sulit; Memori-il to Co. s;Po Fi t S tat e ]jfgislature; Co11mu nication to tbo Teirritorial l=y:j;i l';,ture; Acti on of tlhe L ttter; TI e Former Adouro; Geierl Dn, v-r; retri Legislature Convenes; Board of Co'nm13sioner-; Failure of the Legislature. 482-494

CHAPTER XLV —1854-57.

'TR)UBLE, s JN S OUTHI E1ASTElIN KA2S.AS—F' sft Sttl lers; Cat. Jatm es MInntpg rie,; Frs!?t, Convi!'!'..rto)n; Se1c rr,;,v Con vir ALtion; First Eiiectioiu; Apparacn. of Armed'or'c'; G-rievnceis; i'he (htri-t.ian \iWairi(o; Terrifies:h3 Enems; A ttacks Davis; Raid in \Mi'ocri; A 8(cond iaid; Retitres; Pro 7 Iavery Men I)r11i D'g the IV r'; L State Emi ra ts; C ai rn. [)i'.i uities; The Fort Scolt, Cou i; Provocatuiois; Fre-e Si'ate Court;.Attetpt to Arrest It; Reinforcements3; lnie's Report..........................4.5 495-510


TROUBLES ITN S;OTHI-EASTIERN KANSAS —Contined —Frt, Scott Entored; Di)ivintP Pro-Slavery I1en; C.aptaiu Stew.'ar;; Thievin;g Poiiicy of:nt4citgoery; End of th, Wicked; fetaaliationu F':e State Men Alarmed; Spics ini Secret Societies; Hamil. ton's Plan; Account of Hamiltou; Montgomery Seeks to Thwart His Purpose; Fight with the U. S. Troops; Hamilton Prepares to Strike; The Murders; The Pursuit; Dispatches to Denver; Captain Walker's Visit to Fort Scott, and Arrests; General Denver's Visit: Meeting at Rayaville; Speeches of Denver and Montgomery; Treaty; Understanding...... 511-526


POLITICAL PARTIES-Disintegration of Political Parties; Of the Free State Party; In the Fall of 1857; At the Legislature; Its Action; Constitutional Convention; Difficulty in Uniting, Last of the Topeka State Government; Vote for Delegates; Constitution; Nomination; Election; English Bill; Old Aportionment; Republican Party; Democratic Party; Attempt. to Preserve the Free State Party; & Failure; Observation; Democratic Organization Perfected; Republican Party FullyOrganized; Territorial Legislature of 1859....... 527-538


TROUBLES IN SOUTH-EASTERN KANSAS-They Continue; Murder and Robbery: Arrest of Marshall; Emigrants; Why Slavery Clung to South eastern Kansas; Arrest of Rice; John Brown; His Fort Menaced; Free State Democrats; They Endorse Montgomery; Release of Rice; Little Killed and Store Robbed; John Brown Liberates Fourteen Slaves; That which Followed; Letter from Judge Williams; Amnesty; Flurry at Lawrence 539-518


VARIOUS ITEMS-Provisions of the First Legislature for Auditing Claims; The Commissioner; His Report; Appointment of a New Board of Commissioners; Their Report; Property Destroyed; Sacrifices of Free State Men; Difficulty About the Bands; Election on the Question of Calling a Constitutional Convention; Election of Delegates; Organization of the Convention; Committees; Report of Committee on Ladies' Petition; Votes on the Negro Questions; Northern Boundary; Temporary Seat of Government; Homestead; Election on the Adoption of the Constitution; Election of State Officers;Census.......627-538


THE DROUTH—Legislature Convenes; Adjourns; Convened Again; Character and Extent of the Drouth; Its Effect upon Crops; Extended to Other States; People Poorly Prepared for it; 30,000 Lenve; Others Barely Able to Support Themselves; Benevolent Move of Thadyun Hyatt; Operations of the Relief. Committees; Precipitation and Distribution of Rain in Kansas..560-569

CHAPTER LI-1860-1.

VARIOUS ITEMS-Imprisonment and Rescue of John Doy; Marshal Arus; Fugitive Slave Low; Hanging of Hines; Of Guthrie and C. Carlan; Returned Border Ruffians; Difficulties on the Neutral Lands; Settlers Driven Off; New York Indian Lands; Last Territorial Legislature; Financial Statement of the Territory for Each Year; Wyandotto Constitution in Congress; Admission of Kansas; Character of the Kansas Straggle.. 570-576

APPENDIX 579-581