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Index:Bengal Fairy Tales.djvu

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Title Bengal Fairy Tales
Author Francis Bradley Bradley-Birt
Illustrator Abanindranath Tagore
Year 1920
Publisher John Lane
Location London and New York
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Advertising not transcluded




chapter   page
I. The Four Riddles  1
II. Padmalochan, the Weaver  6
III. Budhibanta, the Boy Weaver 11
IV. Khoodeh, the Youngest Born 17
V. Luckhinarain, the Idiot 23
VI. The Four Swindlers 28
VII. Katmanush, or the Human Being who was made of Wood 40
VIII. The Wily Brahmin 45
IX. Hati Sing, or the Vanquisher of an Elephant 49
X. The Country of Swindlers 53
XI. The Man who was enriched by Accident 59
XII. Strange Friends in Time of Need 62
XIII. Lakshmi's Gift 64
XIV. The Redeeming Power of the Ganges 70


I. Madhumala, the Wreath of Sweetness 77
II. Pushpamala, the Wreath of Flowers 86
III. Malanchamala, the Wreath in a Flower Garden 99
IV. Kanchanmala, the Golden Wreath 116
V. Shankha, the Garland of Shells 126


I. Princess Kalabutti 139
II. The Seven Brothers who were turned into Champa Trees 150
III. Sheet and Basanta 153
IV. Kirunmala, or the Wreath of Light 162
V. Blue Lotus and Red Lotus 168
VI. Dalimkumar 174
VII. A Stick of Gold and a Stick of Silver 179
VIII. Jackal, the Schoolmaster 186
IX. Humility rewarded and Pride punished 191
X. A Brahmin and his Wife 196
XI. A Man who was only a Finger and a Half in Stature 200
XII. The Petrified Mansion 205
XIII. A True Friend 207