An Account of a Savage Girl, Caught Wild in the Woods of Champagne/Appendix I

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No. I.

EXTRACT from the Register of Baptisms of the parish church of St. Sulpice, of the town of Chalons in Champagne.

THE 16th day of June, in the year 1732, was baptized by me, after subscribing, Priest, Canon-Regular, Prior, Curate of St. Sulpice of Chalons, in Champagne, Marie Angelique Memmie, aged about eleven years, whose father and mother are unknown, even to the girl herself, who has been either born in, or transported when very young to some island of America, from whence, by the disposition of a merciful providence, having landed in France, and being still conducted by the same goodness of God, into this diocese, has been at last placed under the patronage of our illustrious bishop, in the hospital general of St. Maur, into which she entered the 30th of October last; her godfather being M. Memmie le Moine, procurator of the said hospital; and her godmother Damoiselle Marie-Nicole d'Halle, governess of the same hospital of St. Maur, who have attested the day and year as above. (So signed,) Memmie le Moine,—D'Halle,F. Couterot, Chanoine-reg. Prieur, Curé.

I, after subscribing, priest, canon-regular, prior, curate of St. Sulpice, do certify the present extract to be agreeable to its original. Delivered at Chalons, this 21st of October 1750. (Signed,) DANSAIS, Prieur, Curé de St. Sulpice.