A Dictionary of Hymnology/Ave regina coelorum

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2466785A Dictionary of Hymnology — Ave regina coelorum1908
Ave regina coelorum. [B. V. M.] One of the four Antiphons to the B. V. M. (see "Alma Redemptoris mater"). Among the mss. in the British Museum it is found in the St Alban's Book of the 12th cent. (ms. Reg. 2 A. x. f. 62), and a Sarum Breviary of the 14th cent. (mss. Reg. 2 A. xiv. f. 235 b). It is also in the York Breviary, 1493 (1883 reprint, ii. 493); in the Roman Breviary, Modena, 1480, f. 512, &c. The text in Daniel, ii. 319, is from a Munich ms. probably of the 13th cent., and other sources. [J. M.]

Translation in C. U.:—

Hail, O Queen of Heaven enthroned! By E. Caswall, in his Lyra Catholica, 1849, p. 39, in 8 lines; and again in his Hys. & Poems, 1873, p. 23. It is largely used in Roman Catholic collections for schools and missions. Another tr. is "Hail, thou mighty Queen of heaven," by J. R. Beste, in his Church Hymns, 1849, p. 66. It is not in C. U.