A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography/Ancelot, Virginie

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4105130A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography — Ancelot, Virginie


Wife of the celebrated M. Ancelot, author of "Marie Padilla," and many other tragedies and dramas of great popularity, has a literary reputation little inferior to that of her husband. As an author of vaudevilles—that species of writing in which the French excel, she is regarded as having surpassed her husband; while her novels have displayed no small degree of talent. She resides in Paris, where her works are highly prized by that increasing class of novel-readers, who are willing to be amused and interested with portraitures of the bright side of nature, the good which may be found in humanity, and hoped for in the future of our race.

Madame Ancelot exhibits artistic skill in the plot of her stories; her style is unexceptionable, and above all she had the merit of purity of thought, and soundness of moral principle. The most noted of her novels are "Gabrielle," "Emerance," and "Médèrine." The first named has been included in the "Bibliothèque de' Elite," and has passed through several editions. The spirit and style of this work are in accordance with the sentiment of the popular English novels; those who admire Mrs. Gore's writings will find as much to amuse and interest them in "Gabrielle," with a more elevated tone of moral feeling.