Page:Railroad Gazette-Vol 38-145-000.png

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February 3, 1905.

electrode are placed on a bed of non-conducting and non-combustible material and the arc started gradually at a low voltage and steadily increased as required, by controlling the shunt rheostat, care being taken not to obtain too great a heat and so fuse the end of the tool. The source of power in this case is a motor generator consisting of a continuous-current shunt-wound motor at 220 volts, coupled to a continuous-current shunt-wound dynamo at from 50 to 150 volts. Arcs from 10 to 1,000 amperes are then easily produced and simply and safely controlled by means of the shunt rheostat.

Electricity is also a very efficient and accurate means of tempering such forms of tools as milling, gear, hobbing and other similar cutters, also large hollow taps, hollow reamers, and all other hollow tools made of high-speed steel, where it is required to have the outside or cutting portion hard, and the interior soft and tenacious, so as to be in the best condition to resist the great stresses put upon the tool by the resistance of the metal being cut, and which stresses tend to cause disruption of the cutter if the hardening extends too deep.

Fig. 3—Apparatus for Tempering Milling Cutters, etc., Electrically.

By means of the apparatus illustrated in Fig. 3, this tempering or softening of the interior can be perfectly and quickly effected, thus bringing the cutter into the best possible condition to perform rapid and heavy work.

Tempering of hollow cutters, etc., is sometimes carried out by the insertion of a heated rod within the cutter and so drawing the temper, but this is not entirely satisfactory or scientific, and is liable to induce cracking by too sudden heat application, and further because of the difficulty of maintaining the necessary heat and temperature required, and afterwards gradually lowering the heat until the proper degree of temper has been obtained. In electrical tempering these difficulties are overcome, as the rod is placed inside the cutter quite cold, and the electric current gradually and steadily heats up the rod to the correct temperature as long as is necessary, and the current can be gradually reduced until the articles operated on are cold again, and consequently the risk of cracking by too sudden expansion and contraction is reduced very greatly. The apparatus used is very simple, as will be seen by reference to the sketch. It consist of a continuous-current shunt-wound motor directly coupled to a single-phase alternating-current dynamo of the revolving field type, giving 100 amperes at 350 volts, 50 cycles per second, the exciting current being taken from the works supply main.

The power from the alternator is by means of a stepdown transformer, reduced to current at a pressure of two volts, the secondary coil of the transformer consisting of a single turn of copper of heavy cross-section, the extremities of which are attached to heavy copper bars carrying the connecting vices holding the mandrel upon which the cutter to be tempered is placed. The secondary induced current, therefore, passes through a single turn coil, through the copper bars and vices and mandrel.

Although the resistance of the complete circuit is very low, still, owing to the comparatively high specific resistance of the iron mandrel, the thermal effect of the current is used up in heating the mandrel, which gradually attains the required temperature, slowly imparting its heat to the tool under treatment until the shade of the oxide on the tool satisfies the operator.

The method adopted to regulate the heat of the mandrel is by varying the excitation current of the alternator by means of the rheostat. An extremely fine variation and perfect heat control is easily possible by, this arrangement.

Having touched upon the development and thermal treatment of high-speed steel, it will now be opportune to refer to its practical use and to some of the most recent work done with it. It is sometimes contended that on the whole not much advantage or economy results from using high-speed steel, but it is easy to prove very greatly to the contrary, and the author proposes to give some figures and facts as to its use and advantage, not only by knowledge gained from results of his own firm, but also from information supplied by many important engineering establishments as to their present workshop practice, and for which he is indebted.

That great economy is effected is beyond all doubt, from whichever point of view the question is looked at; for it is not only rapidity of cutting that counts, but the output of machines is correspondingly increased, so that a greater production is obtained from a given installation than was possible when cutting at low speeds with the old tool steel, and the work is naturally produced at a correspondingly lower cost, and of course it follows from this that in laying down new plant and machines the introduction and use of high-speed steel would have considerable influence in reducing expenditure on capital account.

It has also been proved that high-speed cutting is economical from a mechanical standpoint, and that a given horse-power will remove a greater quantity of metal at a high speed than at a low speed, for although more power is naturally required to take off metal at a high than at a low speed (by reason of the increased work done) the increase of that power is by no means in proportion to the large extra amount of work done by the high-speed cutting, for the frictional and other losses do not increase in anything like the same ratio as a high-cutting speed is to a low-cutting speed. A brief example of this may be given in which the power absorbed in the lathe was accurately measured electrically.

Cutting on hard steel, with three-sixteenths inch depth of cut, one-sixteenth inch feed and speed of cutting 17 ft. per min., a power of 5.16 h.p. was absorbed, and increasing the cutting speed to 42 ft. per min., the depth of cut and feed being the same, there was a saving in power of 19 per cent. for the work being done.

Another experiment with depth of cut three-eighths inch and traverse one-sixteenth inch compared with one-sixteenth inch traverse and three-sixteenths inch depth of cut, showed a saving in power of as much as 28 per cent., and still proceeding with a view of increasing the weight of metal removed in a given time the feed was doubled (other conditions being the same), and a still further saving of power resulted. In a word, as in the majority of things, so it is with rapid cutting, the more quickly work can be produced the cheaper the cost of production.

Again, as regards economy there is not only a saving effected on the actual machine work, but since the advent of high-speed cutting it is now possible, in many instances, to produce finished articles from plain rolled bars, instead of following the old practice of first making expensive forgings and afterwards finishing them in the machine. By this practice not only is the entire cost of forging abolished, but the machining on the rolled bar can be carried out much quicker and cheaper in suitably arranged machines, quicker even than the machining of a forging can be done.

Many wonderful examples in proof of this can be given. Taking the two articles illustrated below: These were machined from plain rolled bars with high-speed steel in 45 min. and 13 min. respectively, as against 3¾ hrs. and 1¾ hrs. when made from forgings and using ordinary tool steel.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 5.

Another remarkable sample of the gain resulting from the use of high-speed cutting from rolled bars is illustrated in the case of securing bolts, made by the author’s firm, for armor plates. Formerly where forgings were first made and then machined with ordinary self-hardening steel, a production of eight bolts per day of ten hours was usual. With the introduction of rapid-cutting steel, 40 similar bolts from the rolled bar are now produced in the same time, thus giving an advantage of five to one in favor of quick cutting, and also in addition abolishing the cost of first rough forging the bolt to form; in fact, the cost of forging one bolt alone amounted to more than the present cost of producing to required form 12 such bolts by high-speed machining. The cutting speed at which these bolts are turned is 160 ft. per min., the depth of cut and feed being respectively three-quarters inch and one thirty-second inch, the weight of metal removed from each bolt being 62 lbs., or 2,480 lbs. in a day of 10 hrs., the tool being only ground once during such period of work, and from such an example as this it will be at once apparent what an enormous saving in plant and costs results. On the same principle the sleeves for these bolts are produced from bars, 60 being made in one day of 10 hrs., this being even a greater saving on the old system than the bolt example shows.

The lathe on which this work is done is a 12-in. lathe of special design and strength for rapid and heavy cutting, and has a link driving belt 7½ in. wide, running at a very high velocity and driven by its own motor, so that the power absorbed can always be observed whether the lathe is running idle or cutting.

Equally remarkable results are obtained